Stearman Flight at Portland Reunion
September 2002
Below are a series of photographs of a Stearman taken in Portland, Oregon in September 2002 during the 398th Bomb Group Memorial Association's Annual Reunion. The "student pilot" is Wally Blackwell, president of the 398th. The Stearman is one of the types of aircraft the pilots learned to fly during their Primary Training in Air Cadets, generally during 1943, 1944, or 1945.
Lee Anne Bradley, 398th Group Historian took these photographs. If you would like to add information about this photo, please contact our 398th Photo Historian. The Photo Reference Number is PR13.

Wally in Student Seat with Instructor Mike the Planes Owner

Wally reviewing Instruments before Takeoff

Speeding down the Runway

Back Safe and Sound

Wally in A2 Jacket, 601st Patch, and 398th Cap
with Girl Friend (aka wife Teedy)