398th Reunion at Rapid City, SD
September 3 - 6, 2014
Below are a few photographs from various events held throughout the four day reunion held in September 2014.
Many thanks to John Blackwell, Dawne Dougherty, Mellisa & Jim Ledlow, Tina Moyer,
Marilyn & Geoff Rice and Mike Ryan for use of their photos.

Maria Hunter and Sally Mackie enjoying the evening at Mount Rushmore, SD
Maria is the daughter of Colonel Hunter, who was the 398th's CO and Sally is Col. Hunter's granddaughter.

Veteran Joe Reveman was the Radio Operator on the Howard Traeder Crew, 601st SQ.

Carolyn Widmann, our PX Manager.
Carolyn's dad was James C. Crouch, 601st SQ Waist Gunner.

Loretta Smith and Bobbi Mier.
Bobbi is the niece of Gene L. Douglas, 600th SQ Pilot.

Frances Vaughn with Veterans Ray Moore and Fred Parker.
Ray was with the 603rd SQ and Fred was with the 600th SQ.

Veterans Lou Stoffer, Jim White, Ray Richman and Joe Reveman.
Lou, Jim and Ray were with the 600th SQ and Joe was with the 601st SQ.

603rd SQ veteran Newell "Newt" Moy with Rozanne Joseph, Linda Davis and Diane Moy.
Seated in back: Dawne Dougherty.

Our veterans were called on stage for the Flag Lowering Ceremony at Mount Rushmore.

Veterans from all wars and branches of the service join in the flag lowering ceremony.

Herds of buffalo still roam Custer State Park in South Dakota.

In the Memory Room; foreground: Willeta and veteran Joe Mansell, 602nd SQ.

Trudy Howard and Connie Novek enjoying time in the Memory Room.

First time reunion attendees Victoria and Mike Macyda.
Mike's dad, Frank Macyda, was a Ball Turret Gunner with the 601st SQ.

Veteran Don Ibeling, Radio Operator with the 602nd SQ.

After hours Karaoke fun with 603rd SQ veteran Lew Burke.
Lew was the star of the evening as he belted out Your Cheatin' Heart by the great Hank Williams.
Lew was pretty good... of course he had "help" from his backup singers,
Mellisa Ledlow, Karen Neff, Lee Bradley and Sharon Krause.

OK, so the backup singers Sharon Krause and Helen Howard lost it...
but Lew, being the professional he is, never missed a beat!

One of the tours was to the Crazy Horse Monument.
Here Mike Ryan gathered the group together and snapped this amazing picture.

Veteran Question & Answer Time.
Left to Right: Jim White 600th SQ, Ray Richman 600th SQ, Raymond Moore 603rd SQ,
Don Menard 603rd SQ and Lew Burke 603rd SQ.
Seated in back: Marilyn Gibb-Rice, panel moderator.

More veteran Question & Answer Time.
Left to Right: Veterans Russ Currier 603rd SQ, Lou Stoffer 600th SQ, Fred Parker 600th SQ
and Charles Ormsby 603rd SQ.

Mike Ryan and Ralph Ambrose at Ellsworth Air Force Base.

Warming up in the sun at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Left to Right: Lee Bradley, Marilyn Gibb-Rice, Gloria Ryan with son Michael Ryan.
Eleven of our veterans proudly posed under a B-1 Bomber on display at Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Left to Right: Richard Fox, Ray Moore, Newt Moy, Russ Currier, Joe Mansell,
Chuck Sasse, Lou Stoffer, Jim White, Joe Reveman, Ray Richman and Don Menard.

Left to Right: Frances Vaughn, Ray Moore, David Clement, Karen Clement and Jeanne Stange.

Left to Right: Lee Bradley, Ralph Ambrose, Chuck Sasse, Lou Stoffer and Geoff Rice.

Cate Ludlam Frankenheimer and Lee Bradley hanging with a B-1 crew member
at Ellsworth Air Force Base.

Teedy Blackwell thrilled to be in the co-pilot's seat of a B-1 Bomber!

The 'First Annual Widow's Breakfast'.
Left to Right: Dawne Dougherty, Helen Howard, Rozanne Joseph, Teedy Blackwell,
Jeanne Stange, Connie Novek and Chrysta Moore.
Ken Howard, 398th BGMA Reunion Chairman,
with his daughters Brandy and Beth at the Farewell Dinner.
Ken's dad was Robert L. Howard, Ball Turret Gunner with the 603rd SQ.

Many dressed up 1940's style for the Farewell Dinner.
Left to Right: Mellisa Ledlow, Connie Novek and Marilyn Gibb-RIce.
Mellisa's dad is Don Menard, 603rd Radio Op, Connie's husband was Elliot Novek, 602nd Radio Op
and Marilyn's dad was James C. Crouch, 601st Waist Gunner.

Enjoying the Farewell Dinner were Mellisa Ledlow, her dad Don Menard
and her brother Bryan Menard.
Don was a Radio Operator with the 603rd SQ.

Claire Murphy and Dave McCoy at the Farewell Dinner.
Claire's dad was Arthur B. Murphy, Navigator with the 600th SQ.

Chrysta Moore, Celia Murray and Alexis Murray.

Charlise Boomsma, Antony Walston, Geoff Rice and Janelle Walston.

Jonathan Stoffer, Lou Stoffer, Jim White and Joseph Stoffer.
Jonathan and Joseph are Lou's grandsons.

Helen Howard and Mike Ryan danced up a storm at the Farewell Dinner.

A special cake made for our 398th BGMA veterans.
Until next year everyone, see you all in New Orleans!