398th Reunion at New Orleans, LA
August 12 - 15, 2015
Below are a few photographs from various events held throughout the four day reunion held in August 2015.
Many thanks to John Blackwell, Lee Bradley, Brandy Howard, Mellisa & Jim Ledlow,
Marilyn & Geoff Rice and Jamie White for use of their photos.

"The Big Easy's" French Quarter is beautiful at night.

Wednesday evening we boarded the steamship "Natchez" for an incredible
jazz/dinner cruise on the Mississippi.

Our amazing reunion team!
Ken Howard, 398th BGMA Reunion Chairman, with his daughters Beth and Brandy
pictured here on the deck of the steamboat "Natchez".
Ken's dad was Robert L. Howard, Ball Turret Gunner with the Donovan Crew, 603rd Squadron.

Lillie Burke tries on a costume at the Mardi Gras Factory.
Lillie is the wife of Lew Burke, 603rd SQ Co-Pilot.

Keith Anderson in disguise at the Mardi Gras Factory.
Keith was a pilot with the 600th SQ.

Teedy Blackwell having fun at the Mardi Gras Factory.
Teedy is the widow of Wally Blackwell, 601st SQ pilot and past 398th BGMA President.

600th SQ veteran Lou Stoffer with 398th BGMA President, Marilyn Gibb-Rice
during the Veteran's Q & A session.
We couldn't help but notice Lou's stylish Playboy socks!

The B-17 "My Gal Sal" on display in the US Freedom Pavilion: The Boeing Center
at the National WWII Museum.

A B-17 "Flying Fortress" steering and instrument panel display.

Jeanne Stange with her Granddaughter-in-law, Ashley Clement,
and two Great Grandchildren at the WWII Museum.

Jim White, his son Jamie, and Lou Stoffer pose in front of
"My Gal Sal" at the WWII Museum.
Jim (Co-Pilot) and Lou(Engineer) were both members of the Grinter Crew, 600th SQ.

Kilroy was here!! At the WWII Museum, that is.

Veteran Don Menard and his daughter Mellisa Ledlow have a photo op with Kilroy!
Don was the Radio Operator on the Sheely Crew, 603rd SQ.

Don Menard and family. L to R standing: grandson Craig Menard,
daughter-in-law Susan, son Mark Menard at the WWII Museum.

Larry Kilgore with Don Menard, and Don's son-in-law Jim Ledlow at the WWII Museum.
Larry's dad was James Gordon Kilgore, Jr.
who was the Radio Operator on the Farmer Crew, 602nd SQ

Don "Red" Ibeling holds his 602nd SQ hat next
to a 602nd SQ A2 Jacket on display at the WWII Museum.
Don was Radio Operator with the Bowen Crew, 602nd SQ.

Lillie and Lew Burke with Nathan Sharpe at the WWII Museum.
That's Teedy Blackwell behind Lillie.

Mike and Victoria Macyda enjoying the WWII Museum.
Mike's dad was Frank Macyda, Ball Turret Gunner with the J.H. Davis Crew, 601st SQ.

Karen Neff, Irma Schwieterman, Loretha Smith and Bobbi Mier
enjoying the Friday night Happy Hour at the Westin Hotel.

Chrysta Moore, Eliot Murray and Alexis Murray also enjoying the Friday night cocktail hour.
Chrysta's husband was Cecil "Tex" Moore, Tail Gunner on the Woodson Crew, 602nd SQ.

Joey Stoffer with his granddad Lou Stoffer at the cocktail hour.

Betty and Jack Dodson pose for the camera
on the hotel terrace.
Jack was the Tail Gunner on the Watkins Crew, 601st SQ.

Keith Anderson and Fred Parker swapping stories and having a laugh.
Fred was the Tail Gunner on the Ballard Crew, 600th SQ.

Pete Krause and Geoff Rice at the cocktail hour.
There must have been a big sale on plaid!

Left to Right: Beth Howard, Larry & Ann Kilgore, Caron Maclane enjoying the plantation gardens.

Ten of eleven Veteran's who attended the 398th BGMA's 32nd Annual Reunion
lined up for a much deserved round of applause at the Farewell Dinner.
Left to Right: Newt Moy, Fred Parker, Lou Stoffer, Jim White, Ray Richman,
Dick Martin, Keith Anderson, Don Menard, Don "Red" Ibeling and Lew Burke.
Missing from the photo is Jack Dodson.

Barry Lewis with Lindhe and Martha Guarisco at the Farewell Dinner
Lindhe's dad was John B. Guarisco, Bombardier with the J.H. Davis Crew, 601st SQ.

Having a laugh at the Farewell Dinner are (clockwise from left)
Bobbie Mier, Lou Stoffer, Loretha Smith and Ray Richman.
Ray was the 600th SQ Adjutant to Major Weibel.

Dick and Wilma Martin with 398th BGMA President, Marilyn Gibb-Rice at the Farewell Dinner.
Dick was an Engineer on the Aniello Crew, 603rd SQ.
Marilyn's dad was James C. Crouch, Waist Gunner with the 601st SQ.

David and Karen Clement at the Farewell Dinner

Enjoying the Farewell Dinner were John Lewis, Ann Lewis and Don Lewis.

At the Farewell Dinner, left to right, Scott Welty, Connie Novek and
Connie's grandkids Brett LeGrow and Emily Morrison.
Scott's dad was Robert M. Welty, Co-Pilot on the Tarr Crew, 603rd SQ.
Connie's husband was Elliot Novek, Radio Operator with the 602nd SQ. Connie is the 398th BGMA's VP.

Left to Right: Gail Bell, Lora Stizzo, Lisa Trygar and David Moore.
Lora is the niece of Sidor P. Stizzo, waist gunner with the Brodin Crew, 603rd SQ.
Sidor was KIA on May 24, 1944.

Caron Maclane with her dad, Keith Anderson enjoying the band at the Farewell Dinner.

Irma and Richard Schweiterman's at the Farewell Dinner.
They are related to Gene L. Douglas, Pilot with the 600th SQ.

Mike Macyda and Barry Lewis at the Farewell Dinner.

Jamie White with his dad, Jim White.

Brandy, Beth and Ken Howard with their 398th BGMA steins at the Farewell Dinner.
President Marilyn Gibb-Rice presented the trio with glass steins, engraved with the 398th BG logo,
in appreciation for all of their hard work putting our reunions together.

Fred Parker with Edie Stauffer at the Farewell Dinner.

Shopping at the 398th BGMA's PX are (left to right) Jim Ledlow
Irma Schwieterman, Lisa Sharpe and Ann Kilgore.

Mardi Gras Masks, a great pic by Marilyn Gibb-Rice!
See you all at our 2016 reunion in Norfolk, VA!