The 2018 398th BGMA Dayton Reunion
October 11 - 14, 2018
Article by Mellisa Ledlow
The 35th 398th Bomb Group Memorial Association Reunion, held in Dayton, Ohio, October 11-14, 2018, was once again a wonderful gathering of veterans, widows, 2nd and 3rd generation members and friends. This reunion had a bit of a different experience, however, as it was the first time since 1983 the 398th met under the umbrella of the 8th Air Force Historical Society Reunion. The 8th Air Force Historical Society has coordinated many different WWII Bomb Groups and Fighter Groups to meet at a joint reunion location and this year’s gathering had 459 in attendance. All organized activities and a Farewell Banquet included all the Bomb Groups, Fighter Groups and other veterans of the 8th Air force.
The 398th was given its own meeting room/hospitality room which was set up as our traditional Memory Room (including Jack’s Books, 398th memorabilia, photos, B17 models, etc.) and the PX. Doors remained open a great deal of the time, so the Memory Room and PX had many visitors (and buyers for the PX)! Other Bomb Groups were organized in rooms around the hotel and also welcomed guests.
Thursday, October 11 began with a Dayton City Tour. Dayton, Ohio is home to Wright-Patterson AFB, National Cash Register Company and perhaps most famous for being the home of Orville and Wilbur Wright—inventors of the airplane. Upon returning from the tour, attendees could attend a seminar conducted by Uwe Benkel and Maj. Arie Kappert. Benkel and Kappert lead a research team in Germany for the purpose of locating missing German and Allied airmen at crash sites. They have recovered and identified 50 bodies and continue on their mission to return remains to the soldiers’ families.
That evening, participants gathered for a Welcome Banquet and a World Premiere movie. Peter Hankoff, producer of the HBO documentary, The Cold Blue, introduced the film which features newly restored 4K footage and outtakes, shot by Oscar-winning director William Wyler (The Best Years of Our Lives, Ben-Hur) during the summer of 1943 for his 1944 documentary The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress. Wyler went to Europe to document the air war in progress and flew actual combat missions on B-17s. All of this raw color footage was recently discovered in the vaults of the National Archives. Present at the banquet were several WWII veterans who were interviewed and participated in the movie. The 398th BGMA’s own Bob Rowland, ball turret gunner with the 602nd Sq. Boehme Crew, is a featured airman in the film. The documentary is poignant and at times difficult to watch, but veterans in attendance praised its authenticity.
The next day started off with an organized tour of the National Museum of the United States Air Force. The museum is the oldest and largest aviation museum in the world, with more than 360 displays. These include the actual “Memphis Belle” B-17, the JFK Air Force One, the Valkyrie and the B29 “Bockscar” that bombed Nagasaki. The history of flight is well represented especially in exhibits pertaining to the Wright Brothers. The museum is a must-see for any history or aviation buff.
Upon return to the hotel, the 8th AF Historical Society held a Q&A with some of the WWII Veterans and then organized a Cash Bar Reception. Following the reception, the 398th BG broke away and enjoyed their own Rendezvous Banquet in the Memory Room. During the gathering, the group was privileged to hear comments from WWII Veteran, Lou Stoffer.
Lou was the engineer/top turret Gunner with the 600th Sq. Grinter crew. Lou shared several stories including his route from the U.S. through Iceland to Station 131 at Nuthampstead. He also recalled the October 1944 crash of a 398th B17 into the moat surrounding St. George’s Church in nearby Anstey. And Lou also described the fateful crash of his own plane on Christmas Eve ’44. That crash cost the lives of two of his crew. And while they were in the Dayton area, Lou, along with his grandson, Joey, was able to visit the grave of Lt. Franklin “Francis” D. Harrod, one of the airmen that died that day, as he was buried nearby. He’s never been forgotten. Lou and his crew went through several harrowing missions including a mid-air collision and flak passing through the turret and burning his nose. Lou was most grateful that his final mission was a “milk run” and he could head home in 1945!
Lindhe Guarisco, a 2nd generation son of John Guarisco, Bombardier with the 601st Sq. J.H. Davis Crew, narrated a slide-show that chronicled his dad’s early life growing up in New Orleans, his call to enlist in the Army Air Corps after busting out of Navy Flight School and his experiences flying 32 missions on a B17 during WWII. Captain Guarisco participated in two missions on D-Day trying to protect those landing on Juno Beach. Lindhe is continuing to gleen as many details about his dad’s experiences and welcomed input and comments from the audience.
Stressing the importance of studying and emphasizing history in all lives, Lee Bradley encouraged the audience to share stories, show pictures and visit memorials. Veterans, like those present —Lou Stoffer and Bob Rowland— paved the way for future peace and social justice. It is up to those of us who follow to repeat their stories and continue to educate others about not just World War II history but all history.
Saturday morning, October 13, was spent in meetings—the 8th Air Force Historical Society held their General Membership Meeting and the 398th BG followed that with their own General Membership Meeting. Board recommendations were made and the membership voted to donate $5,000 to the Nuthampstead Air Field Museum Nissen Hut fund and $5,000 for repairs to St. George’s Church in Anstey, England (site of the 398th BGMA Memorial Window). See the President’s Message for hut details and Page 12 for church donation details.
Later in the afternoon, a tour of the National Packard Museum was organized for all those interested. The Packard Museum helps recognize Packard’s influence on transportation and industrial history. Carillon Historical Park was the next stop. Carillon Park is a 65-acre park and museum in Dayton, which contains historic buildings and exhibits concerning the history of technology and history of Dayton and its residents since 1796. Major sections include settlement, transportation, invention and industry and highlights the significant, inventive contributions of the people of Dayton and Ohio.
A Gala Dinner was held Saturday night for all Reunion attendees and hosted by the 8th AF Historical Society. After the Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem and Invocation and warm words of welcome, Ben Jones, President of the 8th AF Historical Society, introduced Col. Edward Wexler, USAF, Ret. Col. Wexler conducted a traditional Candle Lighting Ceremony. Six candles were lit by individuals to honor several groups with a significant connection to the 8th Air Force during WWII—Ground Crews, Flying Personnel, the 28,000 airmen/heroes lost, the 26,000 POW’s and evaders, our British friends including the RAF and the courageous spirit of the civilians, and finally, today’s 8th Air Force—a new generation of protectors of freedom and democracy.
The 398th BGMA was the second largest group in attendance at the 8th Air Force Historical Society Reunion (we were undoubtedly the most enthusiastic!). It turned out to be a great experience meeting other veterans and second-generation family members that are so like-minded in their resolve to honor those who served and sacrificed in WWII. We will be joining the 8th again at their Reunion in St. Louis October 16-20, 2019. Look for details in April’s Flak News. For up to date info, check the 8th AFHS webpage often at: and click on their reunion page. Please make plans to join us!
Below are several photographs from various events held throughout the four day October 2018 reunion.
Many thanks to Mellisa Ledlow, Marilyn & Geoff Rice, Lee Bradley and Craig Dubishar, the official photographer for the 8th AFHS, for use of their photographs.

Our 398th BGMA Memory Room
Our PX and ‘Memory Room’ were a big hit with our group and a huge draw for the other groups in attendance.
Carolyn Widmann, our PX Manager, reported record sales! She is seen in the back of this photo smiling and waving.
Carolyn’s dad was James C. Crouch, a waist gunner who flew with several 601st crews, Blackwell, Frazier, etc.

A few examples of PX items, memorabilia and models on display

Carolyn was thrilled with her PX sales!

Beth Howard, Marilyn Gibb-Rice and Chrysta Moore catching up in the Memory Room
Beth’s grandfather was Robert L. Howard, ball turret gunner on the Donovan Crew, 603rd SQ
and her dad is Ken Howard our Reunion Coordinator. 398th BGMA President Marilyn’s dad
was James C. Crouch, waist gunner on several 601st crews, and Carolyn’s sister.
Chrysta’s husband was Cecil B. “Tex” Moore. Cecil was the tail gunner on the 602nd SQ Woodson Crew.

Such a Sweet Face!
Sharon & Pete Krause brought their cute little dog ‘Abby’ to the reunion.
Abby was very good the entire time and loved all of the attention!
Sharon is our Public Relations Manager. Her dad was Paul Roderick, pilot with the 602nd SQ.

John Howard and Ann Collins in the Memory Room
John’s dad was Robert L. Howard, 603rd SQ ball turret gunner and Ann’s dad
was Phillip Collins, ball turret gunner with the Marias Crew, 601st SQ.

Martha and Lindhe Guarisco
During our Group’s Rendezvous Banquet, Lindhe gave a wonderful presentation about
his dad’s life and WWII service with the 398th BG.
Lindhe’s dad was John Guarisco, Bombardier with the 601st Sq. J.H. Davis Crew.
Connie Novek, Harvey Ditchman and Geoff Rice
This was Harvey’s first trip to the States from England and he had a blast!
Connie’s is our 398th BGMA Vice President. Her husband was Elliot Novek,
radio operator on the N. Thompson Crew, 602nd SQ.
Harvey is the Chairman of the Nuthampstead Airfield Museum and Geoff is
the 398th Photo Historian and a Trustee of the Nuthampstead Airfield Museum.

Lights, Camera, Action!
Bob Rowland (center) discusses his part in the upcoming HBO documentary "The Cold Blue" with
producer Peter Hankoff (left) while Duane Shively looks on. In the film Bob describes his experience
as a ball turret gunner. Eight other veterans from different groups also gave commentary throughout
the film regarding their B-17 combat positions. "The Cold Blue" will debut on HBO in June 2019.
Bob was ball turret gunner with the 602nd SQ, Boehme Crew.

"The Cold Blue" Premier at the 8th AFHS Reunion
You could hear a pin drop during this riveting film!

The National Museum of the United States Air Force, Dayton, Ohio

A Monument to the Mighty Eighth
One of several monuments found throughout the grounds of the Air Force Museum.

Members of the 452nd BG with Bob Rowland and Daughter Nancy Rowland
One of the 8th Air Force Historical Society’s tours was to the National Museum of the
US Air Force, home of the Memphis Belle. The Belle was very popular with the group and
was used as background for several photo ops!

Bob and his Daughter Nancy
Bob and Nancy on lunch break at the museum.

Bob Rowland and Jim Ledlow
Jim is Mellisa Ledlow’s husband. Mellisa’s dad was Don Menard, radio operator
with Sheely’s Crew, 603rd Squadron.

Carolyn Widmann and Marilyn Rice-Gibb pose for a photo with the Memphis Belle.

A Section of the Memphis Belle Exhibit

Emily Morrison, Mike Robbin and Connie Novek
Emily is Connie’s granddaughter.

What Are You Up To Trudy?
A penny for your thoughts?
Ken and Trudy Howard horsing around in the museum gift shop.

”Thanks For The Memories”
The museum's huge Bob Hope tribute display where original footage of
Bob’s USO tours is shown. This was a very entertaining exhibit!

Our Dayton 398th BG Oak Tree
During its annual reunion held at Dayton in 1989, the 398th Memorial Association
set down an oak tree with a bronze plaque, joining dozens of other Air Force groups and
squadrons with similar memorials on the grounds of the museum. Bill Comstock led the
September 22, 1989 dedication, assisted by Mrs. Frank P. Hunter and Chaplain James Duvall.
Our oak was just a 6 foot sapling then. Now after almost 30 years, it has grown into a stately tree.
The memorial trees span the walkway to the National Museum of the US Air Force.
The 398th red oak is several hundred feet in from the main walkway to the
museum, though close to the museum itself.

A Close-Up of Our Tree Plaque at the Museum.

Bob Rowland and Lou Stoffer
Bob and Lou had a lot of stories to tell at the reunion!
Lou was the engineer / top turret gunner on the Grinter Crew, 600th SQ.

Nancy Rowland and Duane Shivley at the 398th BGMA ‘Rendezvous Dinner’

Harvey Ditchman And Marilyn Gibb-Rice Hamming It Up For The Camera!

Chrysta Moore and Lisa Moore Trygar
Lisa is Chrysta’s granddaughter.

Mike Macyda and Connie Novek Enjoyed The ‘Rendezvous Dinner’
Mike’s dad was S/Sgt. Frank Macyda, ball turret gunner with the J.H. Davis Crew, 601st SQ.

Teddie Nelson
Teddie’s dad was Warren G. Nelson, waist gunner with the Hershberger Crew, 602nd SQ.

Stripes Amid a Dizzying Sea of Plaid!
The 4th Annual wearing of the Plaid… with a smidgen of stripes!
Pete and Sharon Krause with Geoff Rice.

Chrysta Moore and Lisa Moore Trygar
Chrysta and her granddaughter Lisa check out the Packard Museum.
Nice car!!

A Gathering of Veterans
These are most of the veterans who attended the 8th AFHS reunion, where
many different Bomb and Fighter Groups were represented. Our own
Lou Stoffer is in the middle of this photo, 2nd row from the top, 6th man from the right.

Emily Charles, Curator, American Air Museum-Imperial War Museum
Emily was one of six individuals invited to participate in a traditional
Candle Lighting Ceremony at the Gala Dinner. Six candles were lit to honor several groups with
significant connection to the 8th Air Force during WWII. It was a very moving sight to witness.

Bob Rowland, Harvey Ditchman and Lou Stoffer
Harvey really enjoyed talking to our two veterans and hearing their stories, as we all did!

Harvey, Front and Center!
Harvey’s trip to the States to attend this reunion was a birthday gift from his family and friends
back home in England. This was one of those milestone birthdays but we won’t say which
one (you’re welcome Harv). Throughout the trip we gave him a hard time by announcing
it was a BIG birthday at every restaurant we went to. Naturally the staff at those restaurants
would sing and generally embarrass him to death. The Gala Dinner was no different. We made
sure the powers that be knew it was his birthday. The President of the 8th AFHS, Ben Jones,
called Harvey to the podium in front of 400 people, and had everyone sing “Happy Birthday”
to him. Harvey was a great sport, quickly getting caught up in the song and proceeded to ‘conduct’
the singing crowd like a maestro. This is what he is doing in this photo.
Happy Birthday Harvey, and many, many more!!

Harvey, Marilyn and Geoff at the Gala Dinner
Philip and Johnathan Sobey with Trudy Howard
Philip and Johnathan are grandsons of Arline and ZT Reed.
ZT Reed was an Armorer with the 603rd SQ.

Mellisa and Jim Ledlow at the Gala Dinner
Mellisa is our 398th BGMA Treasurer.

Victoria Macyda and Martha Guarisco at the Gala Dinner

Joey Stoffer and Lou Stoffer
Joey is Lou’s grandson

Linda and Laura Parnell
Linda’s dad was Warren H. Currie, a crew chief with the 602nd Squadron

Lee Bradley and Sharon Roderick-Krause
Lee is our 398th BGMA Historian, Webmaster and Flak News Editor.
Her dad was Frederick C. Bradley, Jr., engineer / top turret gunner
with the Howard Traeder Crew, 601st Squadron

Carolyn Widmann with Craig Dubishar
Craig is the official photographer for the 8th AFHS.
Ann Collins, Beth Howard and Willetta Mansell
Willetta’s husband was Joe Mansell, engineer / top turret gunner on the Lyle Doerr Crew, 602nd SQ.
Geoff Rice, Emily Charles, Harvey Ditchman and Ben Jones
The foursome toast to a very successful and enjoyable reunion.
Ben Jones is the President of the 8th AFHS.

Ken and Trudy Howard with Daughter Beth
Many thanks to Ken, 398th BGMA Reunion Coordinator, and his wife Trudy and daughter Beth
for helping to make our first reunion with the 8th AFHS a successful one.
The Howards were always on hand to make sure everything went smoothly for our Group.
You guys are the BEST!!
Please join us at our 2019 reunion in St. Louis, Missouri!
2019 will be our second year participating in the 8th Air Force Historical Society's Reunion.
2019 will be our second year participating in the 8th Air Force Historical Society's Reunion.