398th Missing Air Crew Reports

Two Missing Air Crew Reports Tables are presented below. The information in each table is the same. One is sorted by date and the other by pilot.

  1. Missing Air Crew Reports by Date
  2. Missing Air Crew Reports by Pilot

Some of the most grievous and sobering formation from 398th data files is contained in our 398th's Missing Air Crew Reports, referred to as MACR's. Listed below are the National Archive's identification for sixty-six such reports that describe the conditions of 398th B-17 aircraft lost in combat. The MACR gives many known details - the plane's identification, its mission and complete armament, and the names of its crew; but most important of all - a MACR records what was seen to have happened to a B-17 and crew in distress by those who "were there". Most information on lost aircraft was obtained from returning crews as soon as possible at a mandatory debriefing process by interrogation officers. Usually these observations became the prime official data file for composing the MACR of the event. Often this information was scanty, and sometimes perhaps conflicting, but that was really all there was to be had. Sadly, some crew members simply never did find out what happened to friends that turned up missing. Somebody picked up their belongings in their hut and the task of perhaps rearranging the bunk beds went on as another crew moved in.

Once a crew was listed as missing there was little additional information as to their status. However, after the war, their were sometimes official inquiries to the surviving men on the aircraft as to what had happened and if available these can be found in some MACRs.

Other stories had to wait, perhaps for years, to be discovered and retold by crew gatherings, or perhaps at a 398th Annual Reunion, or in books written, or in major research efforts completed by our own 398th Flak News Editor, Allen Ostrom.

The MACR's are grim statics, representing for the most part painful memories. But there have been some happy moments when former crewmen, once reported as dead or missing, turned out to have been a survivor that showed up at a 398th reunion.

Wally Blackwell
December 2002


See also:

  1. Losses of the US 8th and 9th Air Forces - Volume 3
  2. Missing Air Crew Reports - Documents Reveal Many Grim Stories - By Allen Ostrom


Missing Air Crew Reports by Date
MACR Date Pilot/Crew Sqd Target A/C No. / Name
N/A 01/17/44 Kiernan, James 603 (Rapid City) N/A
4937 05/19/44 O'Neal, Ira 600 Berlin 42-97339 H
5252 05/24/44 Brodin, Unite  *
CA: Major Judson F. Gray
603 Berlin 42-107231 A
5253 05/24/44 Ingram, John 601 Berlin 42-107132 V
5312 05/30/44 Thompson, Thomas 600 Dessau 42-102498 W
5998 06/18/44 Hadjes, Willard 601 Hamburg 42-102391 B
5996 06/18/44 Halter, Ralph  *
CA: Major John G. Weibel
601 Hamburg 42-97626 Q
5997 06/21/44 Rohrer, Richard  *
CA: Major Leo W. Killen
601 Berlin 42-97686 L
6220 06/25/44 Godwin, John 602 Toulouse 42-102463 Z
7221 07/07/44 Folger, Robert 600 Leipzig 42-107218 T
7219 07/07/44 Nisewonger, Boyd 603 Leipzig 42-102508 J
7220 07/08/44 Captain Kearie L. Berry, Jr. 601 Humieres 42-107096 K
7217 07/08/44 Wilson, George 601 Humieres 42-102445 R
7498 07/13/44 Foster, Thomas 603 Munich 42-97348 R
7242 07/16/44 Gallagher, Raymond 603 Munich 42-102476 B
7564 07/16/44 Lovelace, Dana 600 Munich 42-102599 U
7544 07/19/44 Hawkins, Dallas 602 Lechfeld 42-102511 P
7823 07/28/44 Dwyer, Wilbur 603 Merseburg 42-102579 C
7707 08/04/44 Carter, Nigil 601 Peenemunde 42-107098 Y
7708 08/04/44 McArthur, John 603 Peenemunde 42-107186 L
7886 08/06/44 Alhadeff, Ike 600 Brandenburg 42-102467 J
7383 08/08/44 Baker, John 600 Bretteville 42-97399 H
8065 08/08/44 Blackwell, Wally 601 Bretteville 42-97394 P  "Kentucky Colonel"
7384 08/08/44 Hopkins, Robert  *
CA: Captain Meyer C. Wagner, Jr.
603 Bretteville 42-107223 A
N/A 08/12/44 Searl, Charles 600 (England) 42-107191 K  "Tomahawk Warrior"
7910 08/13/44 Weekley, Harold 601 Le Manoir / Rouen 42-102516 H   "Bronx Bomber 2"
8605 09/08/44 Wade, Warren 601 Ludwigshaven 42-97385 X   "Shady Lady"
8918 09/10/44 Wright, Parke 600 Stuttgart 42-107103 A
8917 09/12/44 Fields, James 602 Brux 42-102597 V
9382 09/28/44 Conrow, Russell 601 Magdeburg 42-102607 F
N/A 10/15/44 Meyran, William  * 603 Cologne (crashed on T/O, England) 42-97746 T
10175 10/28/44 Connolly, Harry 602 Munster 44-6519 F
10176 10/28/44 Farmer, John 602 Munster 42-102543 B
10262 10/28/44 Sheely, Roy  *
CA: Captain Talma A. Scott, Jr.
603 Munster 44-8199 R
10156 11/02/44 Campbell, Robert 601 Merseburg 43-38670 W
10157 11/02/44 Newman, Herbert 603 Merseburg 42-102562 G
10158 11/02/44 Reed, Russell 603 Merseburg 42-107053 M
10412 11/21/44 Buzza, Ken  *
CA: 1st Lt. Kenneth F. Hastings
603 Merseburg 44-8348 A   "Nutty Hussy"
11210 11/21/44 Howell, Charles 603 Merseburg 43-38147 L
11211 11/21/44 Lehner, Robert 603 Merseburg 43-38671 F   "Lehner's Raiders"
11213 11/21/44 Rich, Paul 603 Merseburg 42-107138 T   "Witka Tanka Ton"
11212 11/21/44 Wismer, Frederick 603 Merseburg 42-102600 Z
N/A 11/25/44 Hansard, V.A. 600 Merseburg (crashed on T/O, England) 42-107214 V
11144 11/26/44 Pope, Kermit 600 Misburg 43-37846 T
11147 11/26/44 Rolfe, Benjamin 601 Misburg 42-102565 M   "Ugly Ducklin"
11146 11/26/44 Zimmer, Charles  *
CA: Captain Gene L. Douglas
600 Misburg 42-97740 Q
11145 11/30/44 Weum, Roger 600 Merseburg 43-38463 X
11348 12/29/44 Erickson, Mahlon 602 Bingen 42-107188 G
11243 12/30/44 Doerr, Lyle 602 Bischofsheim 42-102610 Y   "Boomerang"
11581 01/01/45 Pinner, Howard 603 Kassel 43-38895 V
N/A 01/02/45 DeCleene, Donald 603 (England) 43-38944 A
11797 01/20/45 Mitchell, James 601 Ludwigshaven 43-37889 B
11799 01/23/45

Gonzales, Federico  *
CA: Colonel Frank P. Hunter, Jr.

603 Neuss 44-8224 A
12214 02/03/45 McCormick, John 602 Berlin 42-97387 H
12215 02/03/45 Powell, Perry 603 Berlin 43-38697 M
12650 02/22/45 Beatty, Hubert 600 Stendal 43-39128 M   "Beatty's Eight Balls"
12853 03/02/45 Christensen, Donald 603 Bohlen 44-6573 K
12962 03/09/45 Jacobs, Willard 602 Kassel 42-97810 S
13091 03/14/45 Ellis, Richard 603 Osnabruk 43-37825 J
13090 03/15/45 Thomas, Andy 603 Oranienburg 43-38562 L   "Kitty Kay"
13914 04/08/45 Wells, William 600 Derben 44-83276 N
13867 04/10/45 McAfee, James 600 Oranienburg 43-38853 L
13868 04/11/45 Shirk, Arthur 602 Krailburg 43-38664 P
14176 04/13/45 Martineck, Emil 601 Neumunster 43-39184 U
13907 04/13/45 Palant, Sam 601 Neumunster 44-8636 X
14220 04/25/45 Coville, Paul 602 Pilzen 43-38652 V
14224 04/25/45 Ferguson, Allan 602 Pilzen 42-97266 G   "Godfathers Inc"


  1. Asterisk in Table: An asterisk in the table below indicates a lead crew.
  2. Input Requested: Please send any additional information or corrections for this list to the 398th Group Historian.
  3. Last Update: The last update of the data below was September 1, 2003.


Missing Air Crew Reports by Pilot
MACR Date Pilot/Crew Sqd Target A/C No. / Name
7886 08/06/44 Alhadeff, Ike 600 Brandenburg 42-102467 J
7383 08/08/44 Baker, John 600 Bretteville 42-97399 H
12650 02/22/45 Beatty, Hubert 600 Stendal 43-39128 M   "Beatty's Eight Balls"
7220 07/08/44 Berry Jr., Kearie L.  * 601 Humieres 42-107096 K
8065 08/08/44 Blackwell, Wally 601 Bretteville 42-97394 P  "Kentucky Colonel"
5252 05/24/44 Brodin, Unite  * 603 Berlin 42-107231 A
10412 11/21/44 Buzza, Ken  * 603 Merseburg 44-8348 A   "Nutty Hussy"
10156 11/02/44 Campbell, Robert 601 Merseburg 43-38670 W
7707 08/04/44 Carter, Nigil 601 Peenemunde 42-107098 Y
12853 03/02/45 Christensen, Donald 603 Bohlen 44-6573 K
14220 04/25/45 Coville, Paul 602 Pilzen 43-38652 V
10175 10/28/44 Connolly, Harry 602 Munster 44-6519 F
9382 09/28/44 Conrow, Russell 601 Magdeburg 42-102607 F
N/A 01/02/45 DeCleene, Donald 603 (England) 43-38944 A
11243 12/30/44 Doerr, Lyle 602 Bischofsheim 42-102610 Y   "Boomerang"
7823 07/28/44 Dwyer, Wilbur 603 Merseburg 42-102579 C
13091 03/14/45 Ellis, Richard 603 Osnabruk 43-37825 J
11348 12/29/44 Erickson, Mahlon 602 Bingen 42-107188 G
10176 10/28/44 Farmer, John 602 Munster 42-102543 B
14224 04/25/45 Ferguson, Allan 602 Pilzen 42-97266 G   "Godfathers Inc"
8917 09/12/44 Fields, James 602 Brux 42-102597 V
7221 07/07/44 Folger, Robert 600 Leipzig 42-107218 T
7498 07/13/44 Foster, Thomas 603 Munich 42-97348 R
7242 07/16/44 Gallagher, Raymond 603 Munich 42-102476 B
6220 06/25/44 Godwin, John 602 Toulouse 42-102463 Z
11799 01/23/45 Gonzales, Federico  * 603 Neuss 44-8224 A
5998 06/18/44 Hadjes, Willard 601 Hamburg 42-102391 B
5996 06/18/44 Halter, Ralph  * 601 Hamburg 42-97626 Q
N/A 11/25/44 Hansard, V.A. 600 Merseburg (crashed on T/O, England) 42-107214 V
7544 07/19/44 Hawkins, Dallas 602 Lechfeld 42-102511 P
7384 08/08/44 Hopkins, Robert  * 603 Bretteville 42-107223 A
11210 11/21/44 Howell, Charles 603 Merseburg 43-38147 L
5253 05/24/44 Ingram, John 601 Berlin 42-107132 V
12962 03/09/45 Jacobs, Willard 602 Kassel 42-97810 S
N/A 01/17/44 Kiernan, James 603 (Rapid City) N/A
11211 11/21/44 Lehner, Robert 603 Merseburg 43-38671 F   "Lehner's Raiders"
7564 07/16/44 Lovelace, Dana 600 Munich 42-102599 U
14176 04/13/45 Martinek, Emil 601 Neumunster 43-39184 U
13867 04/10/45 McAfee, James 600 Oranienburg 43-38853 L
7708 08/04/44 McArthur, John 603 Peenemunde 42-107186 L
12214 02/03/45 McCormick, John 602 Berlin 42-97387 H
N/A 10/15/44 Meyran, William  * 603 Cologne (crashed on T/O, England) 42-97746 T
11797 01/20/45 Mitchell, James 601 Ludwigshaven 43-37889 B
10157 11/02/44 Newman, Herbert 603 Merseburg 42-102562 G
7219 07/07/44 Nisewonger, Boyd 603 Leipzig 42-102508 J
4937 05/19/44 O'Neal, Ira 600 Berlin 42-97339 H
13907 04/13/45 Palant, Sam 601 Neumunster 44-8636 X
11581 01/01/45 Pinner, Howard 603 Kassel 43-38895 V
11144 11/26/44 Pope, Kermit 600 Misburg 43-37846 T
12215 02/03/45 Powell, Perry 603 Berlin 43-38697 M
10158 11/02/44 Reed, Russell 603 Merseburg 42-107053 M
11213 11/21/44 Rich, Paul 603 Merseburg 42-107138 T   "Witka Tanka Ton"
5997 06/21/44 Rohrer, Richard  * 601 Berlin 42-97686 L
11147 11/26/44 Rolfe, Benjamin 601 Misburg 42-102565 M   "Ugly Ducklin"
N/A 08/12/44 Searl, Charles 600 (England) 42-107191 K  "Tomahawk Warrior"
10262 10/28/44 Sheely, Roy  * 603 Munster 44-8199 R
13868 04/11/45 Shirk, Arthur 602 Krailburg 43-38664 P
13090 03/15/45 Thomas, Andy 603 Oranienburg 43-38562 L   "Kitty Kay"
5312 05/30/44 Thompson, Thomas 600 Dessau 42-102498 W
8605 09/08/44 Wade, Warren 601 Ludwigshaven 42-97385 X   "Shady Lady"
7910 08/13/44 Weekley, Harold 601 Le Manoir / Rouen 42-102516 H   "Bronx Bomber 2"
13914 04/08/45 Wells, William 600 Derben 44-83276 N
11145 11/30/44 Weum, Roger 600 Merseburg 43-38463 X
7217 07/08/44 Wilson, George 601 Humieres 42-102445 R
11212 11/21/44 Wismer, Frederick 603 Merseburg 42-102600 Z
8918 09/10/44 Wright, Parke 600 Stuttgart 42-107103 A
11146 11/26/44 Zimmer, Charles  * 600 Misburg 42-97740 Q


  1. Asterisk in Table: An asterisk in the table above indicates a lead crew.
  2. Input Requested: Please send any additional information or corrections for this list to the 398th Group Historian.
  3. Last Update: The last update of the data above was April 5, 2019.