398th What's New!

As follows is a list of recent additions to the 398th Web Site made after April 2013. It provides a convenient way to identify recent additions.

    li>March 02, 2025: Added Evans' Crew - 602nd Squadron - July 29, 1944 photo to the Identified Crew Photos page. li>March 02, 2025: Added Evans' Crew - 602nd Squadron - August 03, 1944 photo to the Identified Crew Photos page. li>March 02, 2025: Added Evans' Crew - 602nd Squadron - August 18, 1944 photo to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  1. February 28, 2025: Added Fritog's Crew - 600th Squadron - Training - March 14, 1944 photo to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  2. February 26, 2025: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Dale E. Brown, Bombardier, 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  3. February 26, 2025: Added portrait photo of Capt. Talma A. Scott, Jr., Command Pilot, 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  4. February 25, 2025: Added Moore's (Vincent F.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - Probably July-early August 1944 - Photo No.1 to the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  5. February 25, 2025: Added Moore's (Vincent F.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - 15 August 1944 - Photo No.2 to the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  6. February 23, 2025: Added Haller's Crew - 601st Squadron - March/April 1945 - Photo No. 2 photo to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  7. February 20, 2025: Added Fahrenthold's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - Early 1944 - Photo 2 to the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  8. February 17, 2025: Added Jerald Davis' Crew - 601st Squadron - Training - February 1944 photo to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  9. February 17, 2025: Added Jerald Davis' Crew - 601st Squadron - Training - March 1944 photo to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  10. February 12, 2025: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Theodore A. Kline, Co-Pilot, 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "K".
  11. February 12, 2025: Added portrait photos of T/Sgt. Joseph M. Price, Jr., Flight Engineer, 601st SQ and S/Sgt. Thomas S. Pozder, Tail Gunner, 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "P".
  12. February 12, 2025: Added portrait photo of Sgt. Jack E. Roush, Tail Gunner, 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "R".
  13. February 12, 2025: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. John T. Shafer, Pilot, 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  14. February 12, 2025: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. David A. Woodring, Co-Pilot, 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "W".
  15. February 12, 2025: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Richard W. Catterlin, Radio Operator, 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  16. February 04, 2025: Added Markham's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Probably April 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  17. January 28, 2025: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Marion B. Hamilton, Radio Operator, 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "H".
  18. January 28, 2025: Added 3rd portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Henry A. Skubik, Co-Pilot, 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  19. January 28, 2025: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Oral B. Birch, Navigator, 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  20. January 28, 2025: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. William M. Bryan, Co-Pilot, 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  21. January 28, 2025: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Richard Cady, Pilot, 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  22. January 28, 2025: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Donald Christensen, Radio Operator, 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  23. January 28, 2025: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Thomas A. Clark, Co-Pilot, 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  24. January 28, 2025: Added portrait photo of Sgt. James B. Coulson, Ball Turret Gunner, 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  25. January 28, 2025: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Carlton G. Creswell, Waist Gunner, 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  26. January 28, 2025: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. D.L. Cummings, Pilot, 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  27. January 28, 2025: Replaced the second portrait photo of 1st Lt. Donald J. De Cleene, Pilot, 603rd SQ, with a clearer photo in the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "D".
  28. October 26, 2024: Added Mills' Crew - 601st Squadron - December 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  29. October 26, 2024: Added Mills' Crew, Officers - 601st Squadron - December 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  30. October 23, 2024: Added Hancock's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Training - June 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  31. October 22, 2024: Added Nolan's Crew - 600th Squadron - Training - Probably January 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  32. October 18, 2024: Added Mitchell's Crew - 601st Squadron - Late 1944 / January 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  33. October 16, 2024: Added Ingram's Crew - 601st Squadron - Training, April 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  34. September 10, 2024: Added Buzza's Crew - 603rd SQ - Training May-August 1944 - photo 2 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  35. September 10, 2024: Added Cady's Crew - 602nd SQ - Training - March or April 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  36. September 10, 2024: Added Cady's Crew - 602nd SQ - April 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  37. September 06, 2024: Added Kaminski's Crew - 602nd SQ - Training - December 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  38. September 06, 2024: Added Kaminski's Crew - 602nd SQ - Training - March 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  39. August 20, 2024: Added Buzza's Crew - 603rd SQ - Training - May-August 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  40. August 18, 2024: Added Wheeler's Crew - 600th SQ - 25 July 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  41. August 17, 2024: Added Shott's Crew - 600th SQ - 05 September 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  42. August 14, 2024: Added Jessup D. Lowe's Crew - 600th SQ - Training March-April 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  43. August 09, 2024: Added Wintersteen's - 602nd Squadron - Late December 1944 or early January 1945 - Training photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  44. August 09, 2024: Added Wintersteen's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Early Spring 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  45. August 09, 2024: Added Ford's Crew - 600th Squadron - July 20, 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  46. August 08, 2024: Added Conrow's Crew - 601st Squadron - September 10, 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  47. August 07, 2024: Added a new crew photo of Shafer's Crew with Lt. Col. Peter J. Rooney as Command - 602nd Squadron - 16 April 1945 to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  48. July 10, 2024: Corrected Capt. Wralstad and M/Sgt. Stegall - 603rd Squadron - April or May 1945 in the Ground Crew Section of the Identified Crew Photos page to reflect Wralstad's correct rank and spelling of his last name. Also added a more accurate approximate date of when the photo was taken.
  49. June 30, 2024: Added a better scan of the Lewis' Crew - 601st Squadron - 21 March 1945 to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  50. June 12, 2024: Added Four 2017 issues and Four 2018 issues to the Flak News Publications Archive 2006 through 2018 which can be accessed through the 398th Home Page under the "Articles" heading. All issues listed (1986 through 2018) are searchable and downloadable PDF's
  51. June 11, 2024: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Harold R. Anglim, Squadron Supervisor Supply & Motor Pool, HQ the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "A".
  52. June 11, 2024: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Felix E. Byrne, tail & waist gunner, 600th SQ, KIA Nov. 30, 1944 to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  53. June 11, 2024: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Malcolm F. Clarke, Radio Operator, 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  54. June 11, 2024: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Leo R. Cunningham, Engineer/Top Turret Gunner, 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  55. June 11, 2024: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Robert W. Dittmer, Bombardier, 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "D".
  56. June 11, 2024: Added second portrait photo of 2nd Lt. William G. Dunne, Co-Pilot, 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "D".
  57. June 11, 2024: Added portrait photo of Sgt. Gerald M. Dye, Waist Gunner, 601st SQ, POW July 8, 1944 to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "D".
  58. June 11, 2024: Added portrait photo of Capt. Carl H. Hogrefe, Engineering Officer for the 603rd and 600th SQ's to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "H".
  59. June 11, 2024: Added two portrait photos of 2nd Lt. Irwin R. Idso, Pilot, 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "I".
  60. June 11, 2024: Added second portrait photo of 1st Lt. Edward C. Jordan, Co-Pilot and Pilot, 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "J".
  61. June 11, 2024: Added two portrait photos of T/Sgt. Lawrence O. Mailloux, Radio Operator, 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "M".
  62. June 11, 2024: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Russell J. Morrison, Pilot, 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "M".
  63. June 11, 2024: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Victor C. Petrauskas, Waist Gunner, 603rd SQ, KIA Oct. 15, 1944 to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "P".
  64. April 13 2024: Added Purple Heart Citation, photos of the medal and Presidential letter for S/Sgt. George E. Abbott (KIA) bombardier, 601st SQ, DeLancey Crew, to the 398th Bomb Group Purple Heart Awards Citation List Page page, the DeLancey Crew photo page, and to the article It Was A Fortress Coming Home article page.
  65. April 5, 2024: Added S/Sgt. George E. Abbott (KIA) bombardier, 601st SQ, DeLancey Crew, to the 398th Bomb Group Purple Heart Awards List page.
  66. April 03, 2024: Added two portrait photos of 2nd Lt. John J. Baumeister, Co-Pilot 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  67. April 03, 2024: Added 2nd portrait photos of S/Sgt. Kenneth D. Chesshir, Ball Turret Gunner 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  68. April 03, 2024: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Arthur E. Hewitt, Engineer/Top Turret Gunner 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "H".
  69. April 03, 2024: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. William M. Scales, Jr., Bombardier 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  70. April 03, 2024: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Arthur J. Walters, who ran the Officers Club, 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "W".
  71. March 03, 2024: Added portrait photo of Capt. Victor E. Stoll, Pilot 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  72. March 01, 2024: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. William G. Dunne, Co-Pilot 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "D".
  73. February 26, 2024: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Frank F. Weckerle, Radio Operator 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "W".
  74. February 26, 2024: Added portrait photo of Capt. Claude H. Selby, Command Pilot 603rd SQ, Group Operations to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  75. February 26, 2024: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. James F. Hochadel, Ball Turret Gunner 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "H".
  76. February 26, 2024: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Charles R. Kennedy, Ball Turret Gunner 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "K".
  77. February 25, 2024: Added portrait photo of Sgt. James Robinson Miller, Waist Gunner and Aerial Photographer 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "M".
  78. February 25, 2024: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Homer Burch Idol, Administrative Specialist ( processed new recruits) 426th Air Services Group to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "I".
  79. February 25, 2024: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Billy G. Gonser, Bombardier 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "G".
  80. February 25, 2024: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Franklin D. Harrod, Bombardier 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "H".
  81. February 25, 2024: Added two portrait photos of 1st Lt. William B. Radnedge, Pilot 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "R".
  82. February 14, 2024: Added Thomas L. Thompson's Crew - 600th Squadron - Spring 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  83. February 08, 2024: Added 'The B-17 Tomahawk Warrior: A WWII Final Honor' by David E. Huntley to 398th Focused Books, CD's and Videos.
  84. February 07, 2024: Added Zimmerman's Crew - 602nd Squadron - July 8, 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  85. January 27, 2024: Added information for hotel, daily schedules and Registration Form for the 398th BGMA Brookfield, Wisconsin Reunion in June 2024 to the Annual Reunions and Tours section.
  86. January 27, 2024: Added information for hotel, daily schedules and Registration Form for the 398th BGMA Biennial UK Tour in May 2024 to the Annual Reunions and Tours section.
  87. January 22, 2024: Added T/Sgt. Derald R. Lyman to the 398th Bomb Group DFC Citation List on the 398th Individual Awards Page.
  88. January 08, 2024: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Derald R. Lyman, Radio Operator 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "L".
  89. December 21, 2023: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Paul Wilber Smith, Navigator 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  90. December 21, 2023: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Roland D. Mundhenke, Co-Pilot and Pilot 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "M".
  91. December 17, 2023: Updated Saferite's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 22 January 1945 photo description with full names of crew members. Also added story about how the crew named their plane. Story thanks to Jason Carter, grandson of Robert C. Carter, Co-pilot.
  92. November 22, 2023: Updated MacArthur's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Probably 1944 photo description with identifications of all crew members, to the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page. . New information thanks to photo found with ID's on Find-A-Grave by Mike Feathers, nephew of Sgt. George A. Feathers, Engineer of the crew.
  93. November 09, 2023: Added Council Bluffs, IA / Omaha, NE Reunion - September 2023 to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  94. September 21,2023: Updated the 398th PX with items available for sale as of September 2023. A new downloadable PDF 2023 PX Order Form and photos of new merchandise are also included in this update.
  95. September 19, 2023: Added Maurer's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Probably April 21, 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  96. August 24, 2023: Added portrait photo of F/O James R. Brown, Navigator 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  97. August 23, 2023: Added 1st Lt. Warren H. Wright to the 398th Bomb Group DFC Citation List on the 398th Individual Awards Page.
  98. August 23, 2023: Added portrait photo of Lt. Earl W. "Andy" Anderson, Navigator 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "A".
  99. August 23, 2023: Added portrait photos of F/O Henry J. Florin, Co-Pilot 600th SQ and 2nd Lt. Clarence J. Franks, Jr., Bombardier 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "F".
  100. August 23, 2023: Added portrait photos of Pvt. Edwin H. "Bud" Haslip, Special Vehicle Operator 601st SQ, 1st Lt. James H. Hunt, Navigator 602nd SQ and Sgt. Melvin H. Huseby, Airplane Engine Mechanic, 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "H".
  101. August 23, 2023: Added portrait photo of Sgt. Kenneth G. Kennedy, Truck Mechanic 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "K".
  102. August 23, 2023: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Richard C. Morauer, Co-Pilot 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "M".
  103. August 23, 2023: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Perry E. Powell, Pilot 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "P".
  104. August 23, 2023: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Michael A. Romano, Waist Gunner 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "R".
  105. August 23, 2023: Added portrait photos of S/Sgt. Carmine R. Salsano, Waist Gunner 603rd SQ, 2nd Lt. David B. "Scotty" Scott, Navigator 600th SQ and 1st Lt. Gerald V. Sheffer, Pilot 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  106. August 23, 2023: Added portrait photos of 1st Lt. William E. Wells III, Pilot 600th SQ and S/Sgt. Edward J. Wenning, Radar Mechanic (GEE) 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "W".
  107. August 23, 2023: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Leland L. Zimmerman, Pilot 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "Z".
  108. June 25, 2023: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Maynard Stravinski, Co-Pilot & Pilot 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  109. April 29, 2023: Added information for hotel, daily schedules and Registration Form for the 398th BGMA Omaha NE Reunion in September 2023 to the Annual Reunions and Tours section.
  110. April 15, 2023: Updated the 398th Killed in Combat Missions list with new/additional cemetery/burial information.
  111. March 20, 2023: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Warren H. Wright, Co-Pilot 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "W".
  112. February 05, 2023: Added Four 2016 issues to the Flak News Publications Archive 2006 through 2016 which can be accessed through the 398th Home Page under the "Articles" heading. All issues listed (1986 through 2016) are searchable and downloadable PDF's
  113. February 03, 2023: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Bruce L. Binger, Pilot 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  114. January 13, 2023: Added Dayton, Ohio Reunion - July 2022 to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  115. December 14, 2022: Updated Aircraft Histories List sorted by Serial# and Aircraft Histories List sorted by Squadron with additional aircraft names.
  116. December 14, 2022: Replaced crew photo with a better scan Greenwalt's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training January 1945 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Photo and ID of bombardier thanks to Wayne Greenwalt.
  117. November 23, 2022: Added link to Air Forces Escape & Evasion Society - "The purpose of AFEES is to encourage airmen who were aided by Resistance organizations or patriotic nationals of foreign countries to continue friendships with those who helped them." - to our Links to Other Websites page under the "POW Info" heading.
  118. November 04, 2022: Updated 398th B-17 nose and engine Art Photos and 398th B-17 Aircraft Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with aircraft nose art photo for 43-38661 3O-P "Dotty Dee".
  119. November 02, 2022: updated aircraft and date information on training photos for the following crews: Agnew, Erler, Greenwalt, Hyndman, Jacobs, Johnston, Nelson, Sponholtz, Stoll, Traeder and Wilson on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  120. October 21, 2022: Updated 398th B-17 nose and engine Art Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with three nose art photos for 42-102607 3O-F "The Lodian".
  121. October 21, 2022: Updated 398th B-17 Aircraft Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with three B-17 photos of 42-102607 3O-F "The Lodian".
  122. October 20, 2022: Updated 398th B-17 nose and engine Art Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with nose art photo for 44-8630 N7-U "Satans Serenaders".
  123. October 20, 2022: Updated 398th B-17 Aircraft Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with B-17 photos for 44-8630 N7-U "Satans Serenaders".
  124. October 18, 2022: Added Markley's Crew - 600th Squadron - Training - August 1943 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  125. October 18, 2022: Added Markley's Composite Crew - 600th Squadron - 23 June 1944 -Lead Crew with 379th BG Members and B-17 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  126. October 12, 2022: Added Greenwalt's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training January 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  127. October 12, 2022: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Ralph F. Greenwalt, Pilot 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "G".
  128. October 06, 2022: Updated 398th B-17 nose and engine Art Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with nose art photos and B-17 name for 43-39038 N7-Q "Miazziz Dragon".
  129. October 06, 2022: Updated 398th B-17 Aircraft Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with nose art photos and B-17 name for 43-39038 N7-Q "Miazziz Dragon".
  130. October 06, 2022: Updated Aircraft Histories List sorted by Serial# and Aircraft Histories List sorted by Squadron with names of 4 aircraft; "Dotty Dee", "Little Peg", "Wonder Bird" and "Satans Serenaders".
  131. September 15, 2022: Added Captain Richard S. Hosman to the 398th Bomb Group DFC & OLC to the DFC Citation List on the 398th Individual Awards Page.
  132. September 14, 2022: Updated 2022/2023 Board Member names and added new Board member; Colin Colbourn, Director, to the 398th Official Board page.
  133. September 14, 2022: Posted the 2023 reunion location (Omaha NE) and dates, to the 398th Home Page under the "Reunions and Tours" heading.
  134. September 14, 2022: Added the 398th 2022 Biennial Tour "UK Reunion" recap and photos to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  135. September 13, 2022: Added T/Sgt. Bradley, T/Sgt. Reveman, S/Sgt. Fay, S/Sgt. Miller and S/Sgt. Scherer from the Howard Traeder Crew to the 398th Bomb Group Purple Heart Awards List and their Purple Heart Citation to the 398th Bomb Group Purple Heart Citation List on the 398th Individual Awards Page.
  136. September 13, 2022: Added S/Sgt. Gerald E. Amer to the 398th Bomb Group DFC Citation List on the 398th Individual Awards Page.
  137. June 16, 2022: Added Donovan's Crew - 603rd Squadron - March 22, 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  138. June 16, 2022: Added Lassegard's Crew - 603rd Squadron - April 1944 Color photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  139. May 15, 2022: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Albert J. Aleksyn, Ball Turret Gunner 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "A".
  140. May 15, 2022: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Sidney Triebwasser, Eng/Top Turret 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "T".
  141. May 11, 2022: Added Flak News Publications Archive 2006 through 2015 which can be accessed through the 398th Home Page under the "Articles" heading. All issues listed (1986 through 2015) are searchable and downloadable PDF's
  142. May 07, 2022: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Gene L. Warren, Togglier 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "W".
  143. May 07, 2022: Added portrait photo of PFC Felix D. Cosenza of the 478th Sub Depot, SQ 'A' to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  144. May 07, 2022: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. V.A. Hansard, Jr., Pilot 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "H".
  145. May 07, 2022: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Ray A. Talbott, Tail Gunner 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "T".
  146. April 28, 2022: Added Flak News Publications Archive 1986 through 2005 which can be accessed through the 398th Home Page under the "Articles" heading. All issues are searchable and downloadable PDF's
  147. April 11, 2022: Added Hunt's Crew - 601st Squadron - September 28, 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  148. April 10, 2022: Added Dallas' Crew - 601st Squadron - Training late 1943 or early1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  149. April 10, 2022: Added Ballard's Crew - 600th Squadron - 1943 or 1944 - Photo 2 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  150. April 09, 2022: Added Bornstedt's Crew - 601st Squadron - Training - 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  151. April 09, 2022: Added Wintersteen's Crew - 602nd Squadron - March 12, 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  152. April 07, 2022: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. George H. Gagne, Radio Operator 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "G".
  153. April 01, 2022: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Evald A. Johnson, BT & Tail Gunner 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "J".
  154. April 01, 2022: Added two portrait photo of 1st Lt. John P. Walker, Navigator 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "W".
  155. March 30, 2022: Added two portrait photos of T/Sgt. Howard F. Ayers, Radio Operator 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "A".
  156. March 30, 2022: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Wallace H. Blackwell, Pilot 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  157. March 30, 2022: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Wayne Doerstler, Engineer / Top Turret Gunner 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "D".
  158. March 30, 2022: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Hollis L. Dalton, Pilot 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "D".
  159. March 21, 2022: Added two portrait photos of S/Sgt. Frank A. Yarmoski, Togglier / Gunner 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "Y".
  160. March 09, 2022: Added Savannah, Georgia Reunion with the 8th AFHS Photos - October 2021 to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  161. March 08, 2022: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Raymond J. LeDoux, Navigator 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "L".
  162. March 08, 2022: Added portrait photo (circa 1942-1943) of S/Sgt. Raymond A. Gardner, Togglier / Gunner 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "G".
  163. March 08, 2022: Added portrait photo (1945) of S/Sgt. Raymond A. Gardner, Togglier / Gunner 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "G".
  164. March 08, 2022: Added portrait photo of Sgt. Carmen P. Desiato, Jr., Engineer / Top Turret 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "D".
  165. March 08, 2022: Added Gieryn's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - Probably 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  166. March 08, 2022: Added Gieryn's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training 1944 - Informal photo 1 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  167. March 08, 2022: Added Gieryn's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training 1944 - Informal photo 2 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  168. March 08, 2022: Added Gieryn's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training 1944 - Informal photo 3 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  169. March 07, 2022: Added 2022 Tour Details for 'Return To Station 131' to the Annual Reunions and Tours section.
  170. March 07, 2022: Added 2022 398th BGMA Stateside reunion Dayton OH information to the Annual Reunions and Tours section.
  171. January 22, 2022: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Lonnie D. Mason, Engineer/Top Turret 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "M".
  172. October 19, 2021: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Donald J. Shaw, Waist Gunner 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  173. October 19, 2021: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Linn R. Rogers, Pilot 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "R".
  174. October 17, 2021: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Donald M. Menard, Radio Op 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "M".
  175. October 17, 2021: Added portrait photo of Cpl. Art Schaal, Armorer loader and repair, 603rd SQ ground crew, to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  176. October 12, 2021: Added Richardson's Crew - 602nd Squadron - August 15, 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  177. October 12, 2021: Added Haller's Crew - 601st Squadron - March/April 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  178. October 09, 2021: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Kermit O. Austad, BT & Waist Gunner 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "A".
  179. October 09, 2021: Added portrait photo of 1st Lt. Alfred H. Boehme, Pilot 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  180. October 09, 2021: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Herbert G. Cooper, Radio Op 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  181. October 09, 2021: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Howard Dallas, Pilot 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "D".
  182. October 09, 2021: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Herbert D. Guild, Tail Gunner 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "G".
  183. October 09, 2021: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. James W. McAfee, Pilot 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "M". li>October 09, 2021: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Arthur P. Schmidt, Waist Gunner 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S". li>October 09, 2021: Added portrait photo of Cpl. Harry D. Shafer, BT Gunner 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S". li>October 09, 2021: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. William "Jack" Wintersteen, Pilot 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "W".
  184. August 18, 2021: Added Joe K. Mansell, 398th Engineer / Gunner - 602nd Squadron Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by volunteer transcriber, Amanda Cockcroft. Amanda is a big 398th BG enthusiast and also maintains the DeCleene Crew crash site at Birchenough Hill in England.
  185. June 30, 2021: Added portrait photo of Cpl. Donald B. Colbert, Gunner 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "C".
  186. June 30, 2021: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Vernon D. Anderson, Navigator 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "A".
  187. April 08, 2021: Added 2 portrait photos of S/Sgt. James W. Brockman, Ball Turret Gunner 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  188. April 08, 2021: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. Raymond J. Zajic, Waist Gunner 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "Z".
  189. April 08, 2021: Added 2nd portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Henry A. Skubik, Co-Pilot 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  190. April 08, 2021: Added 2 portrait photos of 1st. Lt Donald J. De Cleene, Pilot 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "D".
  191. March 31, 2021: Added 2 portrait photos of Lt. James W. Finch, Navigator / Mickey Operator 602nd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "F".
  192. March 31, 2021: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Joseph Reveman, Radio Operator 601st SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "R".
  193. March 30, 2021: Added the Robert R. Taylor, 398th Co-Pilot - 601st Squadron Video Interview (45m 34s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  194. March 18, 2021: Added portrait photo of T/Sgt. Edward M. Baldiga, Engineer / TT 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  195. March 15, 2021: Added portrait photo of S/Sgt. William John "Bill" Bruno, Tail Gunner 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "B".
  196. March 14, 2021: Added portrait photo of 2nd Lt. Ernest F. "Fred" Engeman, Navigator 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "E".
  197. March 06, 2021: Removed Ullom's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 15 September 1944 from the Unidentified Crew Photos page. All crew members have been identified.
  198. March 06, 2021: Removed Latson's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 13 August 1944 from the Unidentified Crew Photos page. All crew members have been identified.
  199. February 27, 2021: Added two portrait photos of 1st. Sgt. Hiram Newton Sawyer, Adjutant - Orderly Room - 603rd SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "S".
  200. February 14, 2021: Added portrait photo of Sgt. Donald G. Evans, Jr., Tail Gunner 600th SQ to the Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos section, Page "E".
  201. February 10, 2021: Added identification of Lawrence H. Laubernds, Engineer to the Atkinson's Crew - 600th Squadron - 12 August 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  202. November 19, 2020: Added Baker's Crew - 600th Squadron - Training -December 1943 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  203. November 19, 2020: Added Baker's Crew - 600th Squadron - July 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  204. September 22, 2020: Added Louis Stoffer, 398th Engineer/Gunner - 600th Squadron Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by volunteer transcriber, Capt. Eric Johnson, USAF Retired. Eric is the nephew of Sgt. Harold D. Johnson, Radio Operator on the Grinter Crew.
  205. September 10, 2020: Added Cleo M. Bickford, 398th Radio Operator - 600th Squadron Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by volunteer transcriber, Amanda Cockcroft. Amanda is a big 398th BG enthusiast and also maintains the DeCleene Crew crash site at Birchenough Hill in England.
  206. August 25, 2020: Added Atkinson's Crew - 600th Squadron - 12 August 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  207. August 25, 2020: Added Robert O. Taylor's Crew - 601st Squadron - Training, February 1943 to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  208. July 23, 2020: Added a new feature to the website "AAF Formal Portrait Photos" which can be accessed through the 398th Home Page under the "Photos" heading.
  209. May 13, 2020: Added Paul Keenan, 398th Pilot - 603rd Squadron Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by volunteer transcriber, Amanda Cockcroft. Amanda is a big 398th BG enthusiast and also maintains the DeCleene Crew crash site at Birchenough Hill in England.
  210. May 13, 2020: Added Keenan's Crew (partial) - 603rd Squadron - April - June 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  211. April 23, 2020: Updated Lamiell's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 2 February 1945 photo description with identifications of all crew members, to the Identified Crew Photos page. New information thanks to photo found with ID's from Donald C. Nellis, Tail Gunner of the crew.
  212. February 20, 2020: Added S/Sgt. Felix E. Byrne, Waist Gunner, 600th SQ Diary to our 398th Combat Diaries Page. Diary transcribed and contributed by Eileen Mullee.
  213. February 12, 2020: Added Bill S. Clack, 398th Ball Turret Gunner - 600th / 601st Squadron Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by A Proud Relative of a Veteran of the 398th BG.
  214. January 28, 2020: Added 2020 Tour Details for 'Return To Station 131' to the Annual Reunions and Tours section.
  215. January 27, 2020: Added St. Louis, Missouri Reunion with the 8th AFHS Photos - October 2019 to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  216. November 07, 2019: Updated the 398th PX with items available for sale as of November 2019. A new 2019 downloadable PDF order form and photos of new merchandise are also included in this update.
  217. October 23, 2019: Added new Board member; Pete Krause, Vice President, to the 398th Official Board page, to the 398th Bomb Group Memorial Association page (under Key Contacts) and to the 398th Contacts page.
  218. October 06, 2019: Added Leo A. Wilcox, Photographer, 398th Photo Section, 601st SQ 2009 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by Lee Bradley, daughter of Frederick C. Bradley Jr., 601st Flight Engineer / Top Turret Gunner.
  219. September 25, 2019: Added Hyndman's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - May/July 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  220. September 20, 2019: Added link to The Nuthampstead Airfield Museum - a fantastic museum honoring those who served with the 398th BG & 55th FG to our Links to Other Websites page.
  221. September 20, 2019: Added link to "19 Of The World's Best World War II Museums and Historical Sites" - an excellent article by Axel Hernborg on Tripplo.com to our Links to Other Websites page.
  222. August (throughout the month): Corrected several broken links on our Links to Other Websites page.
  223. July 16, 2019: Uploaded 11 Mission Interrogation Reports transcriptions. Reports can be found by going to the 398th Mission List and selecting the individual mission dates. Reports added were for Dec 15, 18 & 24, 1944 and March 4 & 9, 1945 and April 5, 10, 15, 17, 18 & 21 1945. Transcriptions of the reports were provided by David Nixon, great nephew of 602nd navigator Lt. Edwin Steinberger.
  224. July 16, 2019: Uploaded 115 new mission entries from October 1944 through April 1945 to the 398th Mission Names and Locations list. Research, information and web format provided by David Nixon, great nephew of 602nd navigator Lt. Edwin Steinberger.
  225. July 16, 2019: Uploaded new entries to the Missions by 398th Crew Member list for all of 2nd Lt. Edwin M. Steinberger's missions flown from December 15, 1944 thru April 21 1945. Research, information and web format provided by David Nixon, great nephew of 602nd navigator Lt. Edwin Steinberger.
  226. March 1, 2019: Added"World War II Experience" by Lloyd M. Sundheim, Navigator 603rd Squadron, to our 398th Veterans' WWII Personal History section.
  227. February 21, 2019: Added McAfee's Crew - 600th Squadron - Training - 18 November 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  228. February 21, 2019: Added"I Never Asked Him" by Donald G. Evans, III, son of Donald G. Evans, Jr., the Tail Gunner on the McAfee Crew, 600th Squadron, to our 398th Veterans' WWII Personal History section.
  229. January 20, 2019: Updated the 398th PX with items available for sale as of October 2018. A new 2018 downloadable PDF order form and photos of new merchandise are also included in this update.
  230. January 19, 2019: Added Dayton, Ohio Reunion with the 8th AFHS Photos - October 2018 to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  231. October 4, 2018: Updated the 398th Missing Crew Photos page. Removed name of crews we have recently acquired photos for.
  232. August 09, 2018: Added the 398th 2018 Biennial Tour "Journey Back To England" Photos to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  233. May 13, 2018: Updated Dwyer's Crew - 603rd Squadron - March 1944 with crew identifications on the Identified Crew Photos page. New information thanks to Tina Umlauf, granddaughter of Richard N. "Norm" Hovey, Ball Turret Gunner of the Dwyer Crew.
  234. April 7, 2018: Updated the 398th Bomb Group Bronze Star Award List in the 398th Individual Awards Page. Added M/Sgt. Peter J. Scandariato to the list.
  235. April 5, 2018: Added T/Sgt. Charles R. Turner, Photographer - 602nd Squadron - 1944/1945 (Photo 1) and T/Sgt. Charles R. Turner, Photographer - 602nd Squadron - 1944/1945 (Photo 2) on the Identified Crew Photos page. Added photo under the "Intelligence, Operations and Photo Group Photos" section.
  236. February 19, 2018: Added 8th AFHS Registration Instructions for the 398th BGMA Reunion in October 2018 and 2018 Crowne Plaza Dayton hotel information and registration link and 2018 printable 8th AFHS Registration Form and the 8th AFHS Reunion tour schedule and descriptions to the 398th Annual Reunions and Tours page.
  237. December 23, 2017: Added 2018 Tour Details for 'Journey Back to England' to the Annual Reunions and Tours section.
  238. December 23, 2016: Added preliminary 2018 Reunion Details for Dayton, Ohio to the Annual Reunions and Tours section. The 2018 398th BGMA Reunion will be held in conjunction with and hosted by the Eighth Air Force Historical Society's reunion October 10 - 14, 2018.
  239. December 20, 2017: Updated Driscoll's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 20 July 1944 photo description with name of crew radio operator, T/Sgt. Donald R. Ball, to the Unidentified Crew Photos page. New information thanks to Nelson Ball, grandson of Donald R. Ball.
  240. December 20, 2017: Updated Driscoll's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Spring 1944 photo description with name of crew radio operator, T/Sgt. Donald R. Ball, to the Unidentified Crew Photos page. New information thanks to Nelson Ball, grandson of Donald R. Ball.
  241. November 08, 2017: Added Robert A. Kraft, 398th Navigator - 602nd Squadron 2008 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by Ben Weaver, grandnephew of Robert A. Kraft 602nd Navigator.
  242. October 19, 2017: Added Salt Lake City, UT Reunion Photos - August 2017 to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  243. September 10, 2017: Updated the 398th PX with items available for sale as of September 2017. A new 2017 downloadable PDF order form and photos of new merchandise were also included in this update.
  244. July 6, 2017: Added Agnew's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Probably Early 1945 - Training photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  245. May 12, 2017: Added Erler's Crew - 602nd Squadron - July 1944 - Training photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  246. May 11, 2017: Added Armor's Crew - 600th Squadron - 12 August 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  247. May 7, 2017: Added Riley's Crew - 600th Squadron - 28 September 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  248. March 16, 2017: Added 2017 Reunion Details and 2017 Downloadable Registration Form for Salt Lake City, Utah to the 398th Annual Reunions and Tours page.
  249. February 11, 2017: Added the Jerry Souder, 398th Radio Operator - 600th Squadron Video Interview (58m 36s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  250. February 11, 2017: Added the Herbert S. Meeker, 398th Navigator - 600th Squadron Video Interview (41m 40s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  251. February 11, 2017: Added the Paul J. Keenan, 398th Pilot - 603rd Squadron Video Interview (28m 49s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  252. February 11, 2017: Added the Erle L. Ford, 398th Pilot - 600th Squadron Video Interview (56m 21s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  253. February 7, 2017: Added the William B. Sutton, 398th Engineer/Top Turret Gunner & Waist Gunner - 600th Squadron Video Interview (53m 27s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  254. February 7, 2017: Added Michael J. Cingle, 398th Navigator - 603rd Squadron Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by A Proud Relative of a Veteran of the 398th BG.
  255. February 3, 2017: Added Dale Brown, 398th Bombardier - 603rd Squadron 2007 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by A Proud Relative of a Veteran of the 398th BG.
  256. January 16, 2017: Replaced crew photo for Nelson's Crew - 600th Squadron - January/February 1944 with a better scan from David Bamford. David's grandmother was a first cousin of Lt. Bob Nelson, Pilot of the crew. Photo can be found on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  257. January 16, 2017: Added "603rd Squadron's Intelligence Unit Mascot - 1944-1945" photo to the 398th Nuthampstead Base Photos page.
  258. January 11, 2017: Added a brief introduction and Chapter 6 from the book C-Lager: Stalag Luft IV & the 86 Day Hunger March" by David Dorfmeier, son of Donald D. Dorfmeier, the ball turret gunner on the Carter Crew, 601st Squadron, to our 398th Veterans' WWII Personal History section.
  259. October 11, 2016: Added Norfolk, VA Reunion Photos - August 2016 to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  260. October 11, 2016: Updated Ellis' Crew - 603rd Squadron - 05 March 1945 photo description with name of crew radio operator, T/Sgt. D.W. Kite, to the Identified Crew Photos page. New information thanks to Jeffrey Kite, grandson of D.W. Kite.
  261. September 2, 2016: Updated the 398th PX with items available for sale as of September 2016. A new 2016 downloadable PDF order form and photos of the merchandise were also included in this update.
  262. July 24, 2016: Added Robert J. Beckley, 398th Navigator - 600th/601st Squadron 2007 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by Nancy Partin, daughter of Richard S. Hosman 601st Pilot.
  263. July 22, 2016: Added Dallas Ebest, 398th Gound Crew member - 603rd Squadron 2007 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by Nancy Partin, daughter of Richard S. Hosman 601st Pilot.
  264. July 22, 2016: Added Donald M. Menard, 398th Radio Operator - 603rd Squadron 2009 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by Nancy Partin, daughter of Richard S. Hosman 601st Pilot.
  265. July 22, 2016: Updated Turner's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 28 July 1944 photo description with name of crew navigator, 1st. Lt. Wallace W. Martin, to the Identified Crew Photos page. New information thanks to Jeanie Frasier, daughter of Wallace W. Martin. Wallace is missing from the photo because he did not fly with the Turner Crew that day.
  266. July 19, 2016: Added the 398th 2016 Biennial Tour "Back To England Again" Photos to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  267. May 20, 2016: Added Jack F. Dodson, 398th Tail Gunner - 601st Squadron 2009 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by Nancy Partin, daughter of Richard S. Hosman 601st Pilot.
  268. May 15, 2016: Added Richard L. Martin, 398th Engineer - 603rd Squadron 2013 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by Nancy Partin, daughter of Richard S. Hosman 601st Pilot.
  269. April 29, 2016: Added Jim White, 398th Co-Pilot - 600th Squadron 2007 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by Nancy Partin, daughter of Richard S. Hosman 601st Pilot.
  270. April 17, 2016: Added Ray D. Gainey, 398th Co-Pilot - 601st Squadron 2008 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page. Transcription by Nancy Partin, daughter of Richard S. Hosman 601st Pilot.
  271. April 14, 2016: For the "techies" out there: Modified all interview videos on our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page to use HTML5 web coding rather than QuickTime 7 because most current web browsers no longer support third party plug-ins. The HTML5 web standard makes for a better video-playback experience across a wide range of browsers and devices.
  272. April 8, 2016: Added Maudsley's Crew - 600th Squadron - 22 March 1945 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  273. March 8, 2016: Added 2016 Downloadable Registration Form for Norfolk, Virginia to the 398th Annual Reunions and Tours page.
  274. March 8, 2016: Added 2016 Reunion Details for Norfolk, Virginia to the Annual Reunions and Tours section (# 2).
  275. January 21, 2016: Replaced crew photo for Wallinford's Crew - 602nd Squadron - April 1945 with a better scan from Mike Stack, son of Tail Gunner John F. Stack on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  276. December 17, 2015: Added 2016 Tour Details for 'Back to England Again' to the Annual Reunions and Tours section.
  277. November 27, 2015: Added Hornshuh's Crew - 601st Squadron - Training, 1943 or 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  278. November 25, 2015: Added Darner's Crew - 601st Squadron - 06 July 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  279. November 25, 2015: Added Darner's Crew - 601st Squadron - 04 August 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  280. October 28, 2015: Updated 398th B-17 Nose and Engine Art Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with nose art and serial number information for serial# 43-38562 N7-L, "Kitty Kay and Katy".
  281. October 28, 2015: Updated 398th B-17 Aircraft Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with nose art and serial number information for serial# 43-38562 N7-L, "Kitty Kay and Katy".
  282. October 28, 2015: Added A.R. Thomas' Crew - 603rd Squadron - December 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page.
  283. October 25, 2015: Added MacArthur's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  284. October 9, 2015: Added Shafer's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 16 March 1945 to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  285. October 9, 2015: Added Tarr's Crew - 603rd Squadron - October / November 1944 to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  286. October 3, 2015: Added New Orleans, LA Reunion Photos - August 2015 to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  287. August 4, 2015: Added a link to the 351st BG (Polebrook) website to our Links to Other Sites page.
  288. July 28, 2015: Added a Nuthampstead Airfield Museum page featuring overall progress, recent updates and photos to the Nuthampstead Airfield Museum News section..
  289. July 22, 2015: Updated Steele's Crew - 603rd Squadron - October 1944 with full crew names and location/date confirmation to the Identified Crew Photos page. New information thanks to James R. Walker, son-in-law to Robert Duncan Huey who was the Navigator on the Steele Crew.
  290. July 19, 2015: Updated 398th B-17 Nose and Engine Art Photos and Unidentified 398th B-17 Nose and Engine Art Photos in our 398th Photo Collections with nose art photo of Dunlap's Crew with B-17 "Irish Pete".
  291. July 19, 2015: Added Dunlap's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Training photo on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page. Also added photo to the
  292. 398th Training Photos (Rapid City AAB) page
  293. July 18, 2015: Replaced Spitzer's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 02 November 1944 photo on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page. Replaced photocopy image with a good scanned image.
  294. July 17, 2015: Updated 398th B-17 Nose and Engine Art Photos and Unidentified 398th B-17 Nose and Engine Art Photos in our 398th Photo Collections with nose art photo of B-17 "Hell's Bells".
  295. July 17, 2015: Updated 398th B-17 Aircraft Photos in our 398th Photo Collections with nose art photo of B-17 "Hell's Bells".
  296. July 17, 2015: Added Lt. Philip L. Benefiel, Navigator, 601st Diary to our 398th Combat Diaries.
  297. July 17, 2015: Added Heintzelman's Crew - 601st Squadron - 8 August 1944 to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  298. July 17, 2015: Added Heintzelman's Crew - 601st Squadron - Original Crew 27 - 1944/1945 to the Unidentified Crew Photos page and to the Identified Crew Photos page.
  299. June 27, 2015: Updated Taylor's Crew - 601st Squadron - 6 August 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Added crew identifications. Removed photo from Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  300. June 14, 2015: Added Andrew "Andy" Schaffer, Crew Chief and Crew - 601st Squadron - 1944 or 1945 to the Identified Crew Photos page under "Ground Crew Photos" and the Unidentified Crew Photos page under "Ground Crews".
  301. June 14, 2015: Added Richard H. Schmidt and Andrew "Andy" Schaffer - Crew Chiefs - 601st Squadron - 1944 or 1945 to the Identified Crew Photos page under "Ground Crew Photos".
  302. June 12, 2015: Under "Ground Crew Photos", updated 6 photos under the "Lang Ground Crew photos for the 601st 42-102596 30-N DOODIT" with crew identifications and added that S/Sgt. Andrew "Andy" Schaffer was their crew chief (ID's thanks to Andrea Maisel, daughter of Andrew Schaffer) to the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page under.
  303. April 12, 2015: Added Shaffer's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 26 October 1944 to the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  304. April 10, 2015: Added Green's Crew - 601st Squadron - 20 February 1945 to the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  305. April 10, 2015: Updated Latson's Crew with Colonel F.P. Hunter as Command - 603rd Squadron - 13 August 1944 with a better crew photo scan to the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  306. March 14, 2015: Added 2015 Downloadable Registration Form for New Orleans to the 398th Annual Reunions and Tours page.
  307. March 14, 2015: Added 2015 Reunion Details for New Orleans to the Annual Reunions and Tours section (# 2).
  308. February 27, 2015: Added Lt. Warren H. Wright, Co-Pilot, 603rd Diary to our 398th Combat Diaries.
  309. February 25, 2015: Updated the 398th Killed in Combat Missions list with cemetery information for S/Sgt. George E. Abbott. Burial information provided by Jim Mandelblatt.
  310. February 15, 2015: Updated Bowman's Ground Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944/1945 with nose art and serial number information on the Identified Crew Photos page, Ground Crew Section.
  311. February 15, 2015: Updated 398th B-17 Nose and Engine Art Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with nose art and serial number information for serial# 43-38970 N7-A, "Sight Seein".
  312. February 15, 2015: Updated 398th B-17 Aircraft Photos on our 398th Photo Collections with nose art and serial number information for serial# 43-38970 N7-A, "Sight Seein".
  313. January 18, 2015: Updated W.F. Scott's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1943/early 1944 with the identification of Albert Boyd Cross to the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  314. January 17, 2015: Updated Ordinance Section - 601st Squadron - 10 February 1945 with Crew Chief Francis J. McManus identification on the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  315. October 20, 2014: Added James R. Haas, 398th Bombardier - 603rd Squadron 2010 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  316. October 17, 2014: Added Rapid City, SD Reunion Photos - September 2014 to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  317. October 1, 2014: Updated the 398th PX with items available for sale as of September 2014. A new downloadable order form and photos of the merchandise were also included in this update. New Item! A scale model of a B-17 wth the 398th BG's colors is now available for purchase.
  318. August 27, 2014: Added Roy Casson, UK Friend of the 398th 2011 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  319. August 15, 2014: Added identified Ball Turret Gunner name - Robert C. Gordon - to Matthew's Crew - 600th Squadron - 9 October 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  320. August 2, 2014: Updated the 398th PX with items available for sale as of August 2014. A new downloadable order form and photos of the merchandise were also included in this update. Squadron caps are back in stock.
  321. July 18, 2014: Corrected ID's Powell's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Fall 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  322. July 6, 2014: Added the 398th Biennial Memorial Service Weekend Tour Photos - June 2014 to our Reunion and Tour Photos page.
  323. May 26, 2014: Added Ralph Ambrose, UK Friend of the 398th 2010 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  324. May 17, 2014: Added Woodson's Crew - 602nd Squadron - July 20, 1944 to the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  325. May 2, 2014: Added Chuck Sasse, 398th Flight Engineer - 602nd Squadron 2009 Video Interview Transcription to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  326. April 27, 2014: Added S/Sgt. William E. Auten, Armorer - Waist Gunner, 601st Diary to our 398th Combat Diaries.
  327. April 12, 2014: Added "The Last Mission" by Geronimo Terres, Jr., Waist Gunner, 602nd Squadron to our 398th Veterans' WWII Personal History section.
  328. April 05, 2014: Added the Searl Crew (600th SQ) Crash at Penn, England - Len Howard, Eyewitness Video Interview (21m 50s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  329. April 05, 2014: Added the Searl Crew (600th SQ) Crash at Penn, England - Ian James, Local UK Historian Video Interview (15m 26s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  330. April 05, 2014: Added the Searl Crew (600th SQ) Crash at Penn, England - Crash Site Tour - Len Howard, Eyewitness and Ian James, Local UK Historian Video Interview (9m 13s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  331. April 03, 2014: Added event information regarding the June 2014 Biennial Memorial Service in Nuthampstead, England to the 398th Annual Reunions and Tours page under the "Next Tour" section.
  332. April 01, 2014: Added 2014 Downloadable Registration Form to the 398th Annual Reunions and Tours page.
  333. April 01, 2014: Added 2014 Reunion Details to the Annual Reunions and Tours section (# 2).
  334. February 28, 2014: Added the Dean Whitaker, 398th Bombardier - 603rd Squadron Video Interview (59m 23s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  335. February 28, 2014: Added Aniello's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training (photo #2) - Date Unknown to the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  336. February 28, 2014: Added the Richard L. Martin, 398th Engineer/Gunner - 603rd Squadron Video Interview (42m 19s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  337. February 23, 2014: Added Aniello's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - Date Unknown to the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  338. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  339. February 23, 2014: Added the Charles J. Ormsby, 398th Engineer/Gunner - 603rd Squadron Video Interview (31m 24s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  340. February 22, 2014: Added Jacobs' Crew - 602nd Squadron - Training - Probably Late 1944 to the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  341. February 22, 2014: Added the Geronimo Terres, Jr., 398th Waist Gunner - 602nd Squadron Video Interview (52m 42s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  342. February 16, 2014: Added the Robert W. Dittmer, 398th Bombardier - 600th Squadron Video Interview (1h 1m 26s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  343. February 16, 2014: Added Sponholtz's Crew - 600th Squadron - 1943 or 1944 - Training to the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  344. February 09, 2014: Added the Richard M. Austin, 398th Pilot - 602nd Squadron Video Interview (55m 57s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  345. February 07, 2014: Added Fahrenthold's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - Early 1943 or 1944 to the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  346. January 31, 2014: Added S/Sgt. Leon R. Kershaw, Ball Turret Gunner, 601st Diary to our 398th Combat Diaries.
  347. January 26, 2014: Added Hosman's Crew - 601st Squadron - Training, Probably 1944 to the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  348. January 10, 2014: Added Nisewonger's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944 to the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page. Note: This crew photo was originally posted as "Unknown Crew 4 - 603rd SQ -1944" with only Sgt. Albert Aleksyn identified. Thank you to Mrs. Sam B. Green and Mr. W. Sewall Macferran for identifying pilot Lt. Nisewonger and several other members of his crew.
  349. December 22, 2013: Added the Ralph Ambrose, UK Friend of the 398th BG Video Interview (49m 36s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  350. December 22, 2013: Added the Roy Casson, UK Friend of the 398th BG Video Interview (1h 2m 39s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  351. December 22, 2013: Added "School Boy Remembers Yanks Who Came to Nuthampstead" by Roy Casson, UK Friend of the 398th BG to our Flak News Articles.
  352. December 18, 2013: Added Station 131 Control Tower Demolition - Early 1960's video YouTube link to our Links to Other Sites page (under the "Videos" heading).
  353. December 14, 2013: Added the Veteran's Roundtable - Q & A at the 398th BGMA 2009 Reunion in Austin, Texas (1h 1m 2s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  354. December 1, 2013: Added the Leo A. Wilcox, 398th Photographer - 601st Squadron Video Interview (1h 14m 37s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  355. December 1, 2013: Added Sgt. Leo A. Wilcox, Photographer - 601st Squadron - 1944/1945 (Photo 1) and Sgt. Leo A. Wilcox, Photographer - 601st Squadron - 1944/1945 (Photo 2) on the Identified Crew Photos page. Added photo under the "Intelligence, Operations and Photo Group Photos" section.
  356. December 1, 2013: Added the Haskell Schwartz, 398th Navigator - 601st Squadron Video Interview (39m 43s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  357. December 1, 2013: Added the Bernard M. Kuse, 398th Radio Operator - 601st Squadron Video Interview (1h 14m 19s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  358. November 30, 2013: Added the George E. Hentschel, 398th Engineering & Operations Clerk - Ground Crew - 601st Squadron Video Interview (51m 34s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  359. November 30, 2013: Added Sgt. George E. Hentschel, Engineering & Operations Clerk - 601st Squadron - 1944/1945 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Added photo under the "Intelligence, Operations and Photo Group Photos" section.
  360. November 29, 2013: Added the James F. Haas, 398th Bombardier - 603rd Squadron Video Interview (1h 1m 54s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  361. November 29, 2013: Added the Joseph F. Hauldren, 398th Ball Turret Gunner - 601st Squadron Video Interview (43m 37s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  362. November 29, 2013: Added the Relatives of Joseph F. Hauldren, 398th Ball Turret Gunner - 601st Squadron Video Interview. Featuring Ellen Hauldren Alexander, sister of Joe and 1944 Pin-Up Girl for the E. J. Fairbanks Crew (1m 39s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  363. November 29, 2013: Added E. J. Fairbanks' Crew - 601st Squadron - February or March 1944 to the Identified Crew Photos page and the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  364. November 29, 2013: Added a page for Ellen Hauldren Alexander, sister of Joseph F. Hauldren - 398th Ball Turret Gunner. Ellen was the 1944 Pin-Up Girl for the E. J. Fairbanks' Crew - 601st Squadron. This page is linked to both Joseph F. Hauldren's and Joseph F. Hauldren's Relative's Timeless Voices pages.
  365. November 29, 2013: Added the Ralph F. Greenwalt, 398th Pilot - 603rd Squadron Video Interview (49m 56s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  366. November 29, 2013: Added the Donald D. Dunn, 398th Tail Gunner/Spot Jammer - 603rd Squadron 2010 Video Interview (59m 6s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  367. November 28, 2013: Added the Dale E. Brown, 398th Bombardier - 603rd Squadron 2007 Video Interview (34m 51s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  368. November 28, 2013: Added the Robert L. Goren, 398th Waist Gunner and Togglier - 600th Squadron Video Interview (59m 45s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  369. November 28, 2013: Added Ford's Crew - 600th Squadron - 15 February 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  370. November 27, 2013: Added the Ray D. Gainey, 398th Co-Pilot - 601st Squadron Video Interview (55m 21s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  371. November 27, 2013: Added the Jack F. Dodson, 398th Tail Gunner - 601st Squadron Video Interview (59m 19s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  372. November 26, 2013: Added the Bill S. Clack, 398th Ball Turret Gunner - 601st Squadron Video Interview (38m 34s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  373. November 25, 2013: Added the Michael J. Cingle, 398th Navigator - 603rd Squadron Video Interview (57m 32s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  374. November 24, 2013: Added the Norman H. Bond, 398th Crew Chief - 601st Squadron - Ground Crew Video Interview (1h 2m 40s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  375. November 19, 2013: Added the Fred H. Parker, 398th Tail Gunner - 600th Squadron Video Interview (48m 19s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  376. November 15, 2013: Added the Robert A. Kraft, 398th Navigator - 602nd Squadron Video Interview (1hr 11m 1s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  377. November 15, 2013: Added the Donald M. Menard, 398th Radio Operator - 603rd Squadron Video Interview (1hr 17m 38s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  378. November 05, 2013: Added the Chuck Sasse, 398th Engineer / Gunner - 602nd Squadron Video Interview (1hr 5m 37s) to our 398th Timeless Voices Interviews page.
  379. November 05, 2013: Added Zins' Crew - 602nd Squadron - 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  380. October 20, 2013: Updated the 398th PX with items available for sale as of September 2013. A new downloadable order form and photos of the merchandise were also included in this update.
  381. October 19, 2013: Added 'Not Home For Christmas' by John Meurs to 398th Focused Books, CD's and Videos. Also updated that page in general, adding photos of book and media covers, etc.
  382. October 19, 2013: Corrected crew identifications for the Meyran Crew - 603rd Squadron - 01 August 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Also removed photo from the Unidentified Crew Photos page.
  383. August 02, 2013: Added Slavin's Crew - 600th Squadron - 20 July 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  384. July 26, 2013: Corrected Book Identifies Pilot Of Lead Group As a Czech, 14 February 1945 by Allen Ostrom on the Flak News Articles page. Corrected last paragraph. Removed Van Opdorp's name as the Czech pilot. This was incorrect information. Van Opdorp was born and raised in upstate New York. The pilot of Czech decent referred to in this article was Andrew Andrako, flying B-17 serial number 43-38652 V - Stinker Jr.
  385. July 19, 2013: Updated Connolly's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 25 September 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Added information provided by Cees van der Leeuw regarding the chest pack parachutes pictured in the crew photo.
  386. July 19, 2013: Added Turner's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 28 July 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  387. July 19, 2013: Added Ullom's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 15 September 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page and on the Unidentified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications but need help identifying the Radio Operator.
  388. July 12, 2013: Added Alhadeff's Crew - 600th Squadron - Late 1943 or Early 1944 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Added Crew photo and identifications.
  389. July 12, 2013: Added due date for 2013 Annual Reunion Registrations and link to EAA for the B-17 Aluminum Overcast 2013 tour schedule to the News section .
  390. May 13, 2013: Updated Hill's Crew - 600th Squadron - 11 March 1945 on the Identified Crew Photos page. Corrected the Togglier's name.
  391. April 30, 2013: Added link to The Washington Post for article about Lew Burke and his friend Tom Creekmore from the 305th BG - Remembering World War II's Air War With Two Arlington Veterans - by John Kelly to the 398th Personal History on the Web page.
  392. April 30, 2013: Added new Board member and position; John Blackwell, Special Projects, to the 398th Official Board page, to the 398th Bomb Group Memorial Association page (under Key Contacts) and to the 398th Contacts page (under Functions).
  393. April 18, 2013: Updated Woodmansee Crew - 600th Squadron - 10 April 1945 with a better photo and identified T/Sgt. Harley O. Bennigfield in the Unidentified Crew Photos - Flight Crews page.
  394. April 16, 2013: Corrected Mickey Operators - 398th Bomb Group - January 1945 spelling of Kenneth Rockstroh's name in Identified Crew Photos - Miscellaneous page.
  395. April 16, 2013: Updated our 398th Killed in Action lists with burial information for Killed while Flight Training in USA, 398th Killed in Combat Missions, Killed while Stationed at Station 131, Nuthampstead.
  396. April 16, 2013: Updated our 398th Killed in Action list with spelling correction for John J. Leyden, Jr. 603rd Navigator in 398th Killed in Combat Missions.
  397. April 12, 2013: Added 2013 Downloadable Registration Form to the 398th Annual Reunions and Tours page.
  398. April 12, 2013: Added 2013 Reunion Details to the Annual Reunions and Tours section (# 2).
  399. April 10, 2013: Added advertisment for a new Webmaster and basic information about the 2013 Annual Reunion to the News section .