Back Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. Sgt. George V. Spraggins, Engineer
  2. Sgt. John A. McMenamin, Radio
  3. Sgt. David G. Morgan, Ball Turret Gunner
  4. Sgt. Jack Madlung, Waist gunner
  5. Sgt. Eugene P. Minchoff, Tail Gunner
  6. Sgt. Walter E. Suggett

Front Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. 2nd Lt. Kenneth L. Buzza, Pilot
  2. 2nd Lt. John G. Blythe, Co-Pilot
  3. 2nd Lt. Irving B. Porton, Bombardier
  4. 2nd Lt. Michael J. Cingle, Navigator

See also:

  1. Michael J. Cingle, 398th Navigator - 603rd Squadron Video Interview (57m 32s)


  1. Aircraft in photo: B17G-30-VE 42-97784
    Per aircraft history: Delivered Cheyenne 25/2/44; Denver 6/3/44; Alexandra 18/3/44; 221 BU Alexandra 17/1/45; 329 BU Alexandra 1/3/45; 325 BU Avon Park 13/8/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Walnut Ridge 18/12/45.
  2. Photo Date: Between May and August 1944
  3. Photo Location: Alexandria Army Air Base, Louisiana
  4. The Buzza Crew arrived in Nuthampstead August 1944 and flew their first combat mission Sept. 9 , 1944 to Mannheim, Germany
  5. Photo Reference No. BUZZ02
  6. Information compiled by the the 398th BGMA web team with thanks to Beth Gaines, granddaughter of George V. Spraggins.
  7. If you would like to add information about this photograph, or can provide a better scan, please contact our Crew Photos Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.

See also:

  1. The Buzza Crew was shot down on 21 November 1944.
  2. 398th Mission: 21 November 1944 to Merseburg, Germany