
398th Identified Crew Photos

For many years Geoff Rice had been collecting, archiving, and identifying 398th Crew photographs. This page contains a partial collection of those 398th Crew Photographs. Our companion Unidentified Crew Photographs re-lists photographs below where one or more men are unidentified and seeks your help. If you have information about any of the following photographs or can provide better scans, please contact our current Crew Photos Coordinator, Lee Anne Bradley. Geoff had always been interested in new or additional photos so he began the 398th Photo Collection Project. If you do not see your crew photo it could be that we have not uploaded it yet or it is listed in our Missing Crew Photos page.

Flight Crew Photos

  1. Adams' (Paul) Crew - 601st Squadron - Early 1945
  2. Agnew's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Early 1945
  3. Alhadeff's Crew - 600th Squadron - Late 1943 - Early 1944
  4. Allen's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 28 July 1944
  5. Aniello's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - Date Unknown
  6. Aniello's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training (photo 2) - Date Unknown
  7. Aniello's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 28 Jan 1945
  8. Arlin's Crew with Captain Tracy Petersen as Command - 601st Squadron - 11 August 1944
  9. Armor's Crew - 600th Squadron - 12 August 1944
  10. Atkinson's Crew - 600th Squadron - 12 August 1944
  11. Austin's Crew (previously Link's Crew) - 602nd Squadron - 1 August 1944
  12. Baker's Crew - 600th Squadron - Training -December 1943
  13. Baker's Crew - 600th Squadron - July 1944
  14. Ballard's Crew - 600th Squadron - December 1943 - March 1944 - Training Photo 1
  15. Ballard's Crew - 600th Squadron - December 1943 - March 1944 - Training Photo 2
  16. Beam's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 18 February 1945
  17. Beckstrom's Crew with Major K.L. Berry as Command - 603rd Squadron - 21 February 1945
  18. Berry's Crew - 601st Squadron - 20 March 1944
  19. Bestervelt's Crew with Major Bruce Daily as Command - 600th Squadron - 4 August 1944
  20. Binger's Crew - 601st Squadron - 16 August 1944
  21. Blackwell's Crew - 601st Squadron - 6 August 1944
  22. Blythe's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 24 February 1945
  23. Bowen's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 12 March 1945
  24. Boehme's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 19 July 1944
  25. Bornstedt's Crew - 601st Squadron - Training - 1944
  26. Brandstatter's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 6 February 1945
  27. Branyon's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 10 February 1945
  28. Brodin's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Spring 1944
  29. Brown's (R.E.) Crew - 601st Squadron - 4 August 1944
  30. Brown's (T.A.) Crew - 602nd Squadron - 8 July 1944
  31. Buzza's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - May-August 1944 (new 08/2024)
  32. Buzza's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - May-August 1944 - Photo 2 (new 09/2024)
  33. Buzza's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 9 September 1944
  34. Cady's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Training - March-April 1945 (new 09/2024)
  35. Cady's Crew - 602nd Squadron - April 1945 (new 09/2024)
  36. Campbell's Crew - 601st Squadron - 4 August 1944
  37. Coffee's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 12 March 1945
  38. Coleman's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 21 March 1945
  39. Connolly's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 25 September 1944
  40. Conrow's Crew - 601st Squadron - 10 September 1944 (new 08/2024)
  41. Costanzo's Crew Photo - 601st Squadron - 5 February 1945
  42. Coville's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 12 March 1945
  43. Cucco's Crew - 601st Squadron - 4 August 1944
  44. Cullinan's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Spring 1944
  45. Cullinan's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 19 July 1944
  46. Curtis' Crew - 601st Squadron - 12 Sept 1944
  47. Dallas' Crew - 601st Squadron - Training - Late 1943 or Early 1944
  48. Dalton's Crew - 601st Squadron - February 1944
  49. Darner's Crew - 601st Squadron - 06 July 1944
  50. Darner's Crew - 601st Squadron - 04 August 1944
  51. Davis' (John H.) Crew - 601st Squadron - 28 July 1944
  52. Davis' (John H.) Crew - 601st Squadron - Summer 1944
  53. DeLancey's Crew - 601st Squadron - 15 November 1944
  54. Doerr's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 12 August 1944
  55. Dollar's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Spring 1944
  56. Dollar's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 25 July 1944
  57. Donovan's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 22 March 1945
  58. Douglas' (Gene L.) Crew - 600th Squadron - Spring or Summer 1943
  59. Douglas' (Gene L.) Crew - 600th Squadron - 25 July 1944
  60. Douglas' (J.D.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - 21 April 1945
  61. Driscoll's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Spring 1944
  62. Driscoll's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 20 July 1944
  63. Dunlap's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Training
  64. Durtschi's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
  65. Durtschi's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 22 September 1944
  66. Dwyer's Crew - 603rd Squadron - March 1944
  67. Ellis' Crew - 603rd Squadron - 5 March 1945
  68. Elwood's Crew - 600th Squadron - 8 August 1944
  69. Engel's Crew - 603rd Squadron - February 1944
  70. Erickson's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 28 December 1944
  71. Erler's Crew - 602nd Squadron - July 1944 - Training
  72. Fahrenthold's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training 1943 or early 1944
  73. Fairbanks' Crew - 601st Squadron - February or March 1944
  74. Fairbanks' Crew - 601st Squadron - 8 August 1944
  75. Farnsworth's Crew -601st Squadron - 16 August 1944
  76. Ferguson's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 12 March 1945
  77. Fisher's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
  78. Folger's Crew - 600th Squadron - May 1944
  79. Ford's Crew - 600th Squadron - 15 February 1944 - Training
  80. Ford's Crew - 600th Squadron - 20 July 1944 (new 08/2024)
  81. Foster's (D.L.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
  82. Foster's (T.K.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
  83. Foster's (T.K.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944 -2
  84. Fritog's Crew - 600th Squadron - 27 August 1944
  85. Gallagher's Crew - 603rd Squadron - April/May 1944
  86. Gieryn's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - probably 1944
  87. Gieryn's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - probably 1944 - Informal 1
  88. Gieryn's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - probably 1944 - Informal 2
  89. Gieryn's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - probably 1944 - Informal 3
  90. Green's Crew - 601st Squadron - 20 February 1945
  91. Greenwalt's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - Probably January 1945
  92. Griffin's (D.E.) Crew - 601st Squadron - Early 1944
  93. Griffin's (R.A.) Crew - 602nd Squadron - 26 September 1944
  94. Grinter's Crew - 600th Squadron - July 1944
  95. Guice's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1943
  96. Hadjes' Crew - 601st Squadron - Early 1944
  97. Haller's Crew - 601st Squadron - March/April 1945
  98. Hanauer's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 12 October 1944
  99. Hancock's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 9 September 1944
  100. Hansard's Crew - 600th Squadron - 27 April 1944
  101. Harker's Crew (later Rehme's Crew) - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
  102. Heintzelman's Crew - 601st Squadron - Original Crew 27 - Early 1944
  103. Heintzelman's Crew - 601st Squadron - 08 August 1944
  104. Hershberger's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 16 August 1944
  105. Hicks' Crew - 600th Squadron - 22 March 1945
  106. Hill's Crew - 600th Squadron - 11 March 1945
  107. Holstead's Crew - 600th Squadron - circa 1944
  108. Hopkins' Crew - 603rd Squadron - Late Summer 1943
  109. Hopkins' Crew Christmas in Rapid City - 603rd Squadron - 25 December 1943
  110. Hopkins' Crew Portraits - 603rd - March 1944
  111. Hopkins' Crew with the Bugler - 603rd Squadron - about March 1944
  112. Hopkins' Crew - 603rd Squadron - 28 May 1944
  113. Hornshuh's Crew - 601st Squadron - Training, 1943 or 1944
  114. Hosman's Crew - 601st Squadron - Training, Probably 1944
  115. Howden's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 11 July 1944
  116. Hunt's Crew - 601st Squadron - September 28, 1944
  117. Hyndman's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 9 October 1944
  118. Hyndman's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training, May/July 1944
  119. Idso's Crew - 600th Squadron - 22 December 1944
  120. Jacobs' Crew - 602nd Squadron - Training, Probably Late 1944
  121. Jeffer's Crew - 601st Squadron - circa 1945
  122. Johnson's (James) Crew - 600th Squadron - 6 August 1944
  123. Johnson's (Tom M.) Crew - 600th Squadron - 26 December 1944
  124. Johnson's (Warren) Crew - 603rd Squadron - 19 January 1945
  125. Johnston's Crew - 600th Squadron - August 1944
  126. Jordan's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 16 August 1944
  127. Kaminski's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Training - December 1944 (new 09/2024)
  128. Kaminski's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Training - March 1945 (new 09/2024)
  129. Kaufman's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 19 July 1944
  130. Keenan's Crew (partial) - 603rd Squadron - April - June 1945
  131. Kennedy's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Spring 1945
  132. Khouri's Crew - 603rd Squadron - circa September 1944 (3 officers)
  133. Kiernan's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Late 1943
  134. Koenig's Crew - 601st Squadron - 21 February 1945
  135. Krueger's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
  136. Lamb's Crew - 601st Squadron - Spring 1944
  137. Lamb's Crew with Major Tracy Petersen as Command - 601st Squadron - 14 October 1944
  138. Lamiell's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 2 February 1945
  139. Lassegard's Crew - 603rd Squadron - April 1944
  140. Lassegard's Crew - 603rd Squadron - April 1944 - Photo 2
  141. Latson's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
  142. Latson's Crew with Colonel F.P. Hunter as Command - 603rd Squadron - 13 August 1944
  143. Lee's (Jack) Crew - 603rd Squadron - 5 August 1944
  144. Lee's (Jack) Crew - 603rd Squadron - 2 December 1944
  145. Lehner's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1 August 1944
  146. Leukhardt's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Fall 1944 - R&R at Southport
  147. Lewis' Crew - 601st Squadron - 21 March 1945
  148. Link's Crew (later Austin's Crew) - 602nd Squadron - 1 August 1944
  149. Lipnick's Crew - 600th Squadron - 28 September 1944
  150. Lollar's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 21 April 1945
  151. Lowe's (Donald B.) Crew - 600th Squadron - Early 1944
  152. Lowe's (Jessup D.) Crew - 600th Squadron - April / May 1944 (new 08/2024)
  153. MacArthur's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Probably 1944
  154. Magnan's Crew - 603rd Squadron - late 1943
  155. Magnan's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 15 August 1944
  156. Magness' Crew - 601st Squadron - early February 1945
  157. Marchbanks' Crew - 601st Squadron - 26 December 1944
  158. Marias' Crew - 601st Squadron - 13 September 1944
  159. Markley's Crew - 600th Squadron - Training - 1943
  160. Markley's Crew - 600th Squadron - Composite Crew (398th & 379th BG crew members) - 23 June 1944
  161. Matthews' Crew - 600th Squadron - 9 October 1944
  162. Maudsley's Crew - 600th Squadron - 22 March 1945
  163. Maurer's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Probably April 21, 1945
  164. McAfee's Crew - 600th Squadron - 18 November 1944 - Training
  165. McCarty's Crew - 601st Squadron - 1943
  166. McCormick's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 26 December 1944
  167. Menzel's Crew - 600th Squadron - 20 July 1944
  168. Meyran's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1 August 1944
  169. Morrison's Crew - 601st Squadron - 9 October 1944
  170. Moy's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Fall 1944
  171. Moy's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 21 March 1945
  172. Nelson's Crew - 600th Squadron - January/February 1944
  173. Newman's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 15 August 1944
  174. Nisewonger's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944
  175. Nolan's Crew - 600th Squadron - 22 March 1945
  176. O'Neal's Crew - 600th Squadron - April 1944
  177. Palant's Crew - 601st Squadron - September 1944
  178. Petrocine's Crew - 600th Squadron - 22 March 1945
  179. Petska's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 5 January 1945
  180. Pinner's Crew - 603rd Squadron - March/April 1945
  181. Powell's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Fall 1944
  182. Reed's (Russ) Crew - 603rd Squadron - 28 October 1944
  183. Reed's (Stanley) Crew - 600th Squadron - Spring 1944
  184. Rehme's Crew (previously Harker's Crew) - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
  185. Rice's Crew - 600th Squadron - 25 July 1944
  186. Richardson's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 15 August 1944
  187. Riley's Crew - 600th Squadron - 28 September 1944
  188. Roderick's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 28 July 1944
  189. Rogers' Crew - 601st Squadron - 10 September 1944
  190. Roper's Crew - 601st Squadron - 23 January 1945
  191. Rudrud's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Spring 1944
  192. Rudrud Crew with Captain Jean Miller as Command - 602nd Squadron - 16 July 1944
  193. Runnion's Crew - 600th Squadron - September/October 1944
  194. Rusk's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 26 October 1944
  195. Ryan's Crew - 602nd Squadron - April 1944
  196. Saferite's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 22 January 1945
  197. Schoen's Crew - 601st Squadron - Fall 1944
  198. Scott's (E.D.) Crew - 602nd Squadron - Early 1944
  199. Scott's (W.F.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1943/early 1944
  200. Scott's (W.F.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
  201. Searl's Crew - 600th Squadron - Early 1944
  202. Shafer's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 16 March 1945
  203. Shafer's Crew with Lt. Col. Peter J. Rooney as Command - 602nd Squadron - 16 April 1945 (new 08/2024)
  204. Shaffer's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 26 October 1944
  205. Sheely's Crew - 603rd Squadron - June 1944
  206. Shimek's Crew - 600th Squadron - 23 January 1945
  207. Shirk's Crew - 602nd Squadron - February 1945
  208. Shott's Crew - 600th Squadron - 05 September 1944 (new 08/2024)
  209. Sitler's Crew - 601st Squadron - 9 October 1944
  210. Slavin's Crew - 600th Squadron - 20 July 1944
  211. Sleaman's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 19 July 1944
  212. Smith's (James E.) Crew - 601st Squadron - Spring 1945
  213. Spangler's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 28 October 1944
  214. Spitzer's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 2 November 1944
  215. Sponholtz's Crew - 600th Squadron - 1943 or 1944 - Training
  216. Stallcup's Crew - 601st Squadron - 4 August 1944
  217. Steele's Crew - 603rd Squadron - October 1944
  218. Stockman's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Fall 1944
  219. Stoll's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
  220. Stoll's Crew with Colonel Hunter as Command - 603rd Squadron - 20 July 1944
  221. Tarr's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 9 August 1944
  222. Tarr's Crew - 603rd Squadron - October / November 1944
  223. Tatchio's Crew - 600th Squadron - Fall 1944
  224. Taylor's (Robert O.) Crew - 601st Squadron - Training, February 1943
  225. Taylor's (Robert O.) Crew - 601st Squadron - 6 August 1944
  226. Thomas' (A.R.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - December 1944
  227. Thompson's (Nolan) Crew - 602nd Squadron - March 1945
  228. Thompson's (Thomas L.) Crew - 600th Squadron - Training - Spring 1944
  229. Traeder's Crew - 601st Squadron - Training - 17 Oct 1944
  230. Traeder's Crew - 601st Squadron - 20 Feb 1945
  231. Turner's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 28 July 1944
  232. Ullom's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 15 September 1944
  233. Unknown Crew 1 - 602 Squadron - 14 September 1943 - early Rapid City Training
  234. Unknown Crew 3 - 600th Squadron - May 1945 - arriving Bradley Field on Hitler's Headache
  235. Unknown 5 Crew - 602nd Squadron - 29 September 1943
  236. Van Opdorp's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 26 October 1944
  237. Wade's Crew - 601st Squadron - July/August 1944
  238. Walker's Crew - 601st Squadron - 29 July 1943
  239. Wallingford's Crew - 602nd Squadron - circa April 1945
  240. Watkins' Crew - 601st Squadron - 20 February 1945
  241. Watson's Crew - 600th Squadron - 23 March 1945
  242. Weekley's Crew - 601st Squadron - Early 1944
  243. Weekley's Crew - 601st Squadron - 8 July 1944
  244. Wheeler's Crew - 600th Squadron - 25 July 1944 (new 08/2024)
  245. Wierney's Crew - 601st Squadron - 17 April 1944
  246. Wierney's Crew - 601st Squadron - 6 July 1944
  247. Wilson's Crew - 601st Squadron - May 1944
  248. Williams' (Norman) Crew - 603rd Squadron - probably 1945
  249. Wintersteen's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Late December 1944 or Early January 1945 - Training (new 08/2024)
  250. Wintersteen's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Spring 1945 (new 08/2024)
  251. Wintersteen's Crew - 602nd Squadron - March 12, 1945
  252. Wismer's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944
  253. Woodmansee's Crew - 600th Squadron - 10 April 1945
  254. Woodson's Crew - 602nd Squadron - July 20, 1944
  255. Worley's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 22 March 1945
  256. Wright's Crew - 600th Squadron - May 1944
  257. Zimmerman's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 08 July 1944
  258. Zins' Crew - 602nd Squadron - 1944
  259. Zinter's Crew - 601st Squadron - March 1945

Armament Crew Photos

  1. Armament Crew - 600th Squadron - 1944/45
  2. Armament Crew - 601st Squadron - 10 February 1945
  3. Ordnance Crew - 601st Squadron - 10 February 1945

Fire Fighter Crew Photos

  1. 2015th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon - 31 October 1944
  2. Bill Ahern - 2015th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighters - 1944
  3. Martin, Ahern, Cochrane - 2015th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighters - 1944
  4. McAfee, Knox, Ahern - 2015th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighters - 1944
  5. Wood, Molloy, Ahern - 2015th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighters - 1944

Ground Crew Photos

  1. Bailey's Ground Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944/45
  2. Bowman's Ground Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944/1945
  3. Cpl. David Cohen, 600th Mechanic painting A/C 42-102507 - 1944
  4. Dacon's Ground Crew - 603rd Squadron - Spring 1945
  5. Lt. Dean and Captain White - 601st Squadron Ground Crew - 1944/45
  6. Francis Farewell, 603rd Crew Chief - Late Summer 1944
  7. Frank I. Gelwicks, 603rd Crew Chief - Spring 1945
  8. Andrew Schaffer, 601st Crew Chief - Ground Crew Photos for the 601st 42-102596 30-N DOODIT
    1. Richard H. Schmidt and Andrew "Andy" Schaffer, both Crew Chiefs - 601st Squadron - 1944 or 1945 - (Schaffer photo collection)
    2. Andrew "Andy" Schaffer, Crew Chief and Crew - 601st Squadron - 1944 or 1945- (Schaffer photo collection)
    3. Frederick J. Lang and Colleagues Installing Waist Gunner Plexiglas - 601st Squadron - 1944 - (Lang photo collection)
    4. Frederick J. Lang and Ed Howell Repairing B-17 Engine - 601st Squadron - 1944 - (Lang photo collection)
    5. Ed Howell Sitting on Engine - 601st Squadron - 1944 - (Lang photo collection)
    6. Frederick J. Lang Ground Crew with Flowers - 601st Squadron - 1944 - (Lang photo collection)
    7. Jimmie Fong on Propeller - 601st Squadron - 1944 - (Lang photo collection)
    8. Frederick J. Lang on Rear Stabilizer - 601st Squadron - 1944 - (Lang photo collection)
  9. Overton's Ground Crew - 603rd Squadron - Spring 1945
  10. Maurice Shallert, 603rd Crew Chief - Summer 1944
  11. Schallert's Ground Crew with Spark Plugs - 603rd Squadron - 1944/45
  12. Schallert's Ground Crew - 603rd Squadron - May 1945
  13. Southwick's Ground Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944 or 1945
  14. Capt. Wralstad and M/Sgt. Stegall - 603rd Squadron - April or May 1945
  15. Williams' Ground Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944/1945
  16. Ground Crew Chiefs - 603rd Squadron - 1944/45

Intelligence, Operations and Photo Group Photos

  1. Sgt. Fred Barkovich Portrait - 1944
  2. Intelligence and Photo Operations Personnel - 603rd Squadron - 25 March 1944
  3. Operations - 603rd Squadron - 1944/1945
  4. Sgt. George E. Hentschel - 601st Squadron Clerk - 1944 or 1945
  5. T/Sgt. Charles R. Turner - 602nd Squadron Photographer - 1944/1945 (photo 1)
  6. T/Sgt. Charles R. Turner - 602nd Squadron Photographer - 1944/1945 (photo 2)
  7. Sgt. Leo A. Wilcox - 601st Squadron Photographer - 1944/1945 (photo 1)
  8. Sgt. Leo A. Wilcox - 601st Squadron Photographer - 1944/1945 (photo 2)


  1. Mickey Operators - 398th Bomb Group - January 1945
  2. Men from One Group Headquarters Hut - 398th Bomb Group - Spring 1945 Includes Captain Harold L. Brown, Group Navigator

398th Leaders and Commanders' Photos


  1. Gross, Hunter, Miller, Gray, Strickrott, and Brown - 398th First Mission - 6 May 1944 Includes General William Gross, Colonel Frank P. Hunter, Captain Jean B. Miller, Major Judson F. Gray, Captain Carl J. Strickrott, and Captain Harold L. Brown.
  2. Miller, Hunter, Gross, Berryhill and Ground Crew - 6 May 1944 - First Mission Includes Captain Jean B. Miller, Colonel Frank P. Hunter, General William Gross, and Colonel Earl J. Berryhill.
  3. Latson's Crew with Colonel F.P. Hunter as Command - 603rd Squadron - 13 August 1944 Includes Colonel Frank P. Hunter, Commander, Captain. H.H. Latson Jr., Pilot / Co-pilot, Captain Harold L. Brown, Group Navigator, Captain Carl J. Strickrott, Bombardier.
  4. Stoll's Crew with Colonel Hunter as Command - 603rd Squadron - 20 July 1944 Includes Colonel Frank P. Hunter, Commander, Captain Harold L. Brown, Group Navigator, Captain Carl J. Strickrott, Bombardier.
  5. Mickey Operators - 398th Bomb Group - January 1945 Includes Captain Bingham
  6. Men from One Group Headquarters Hut - 398th Bomb Group - Spring 1945 Includes Captain Harold L. Brown, Group Navigator
  7. Operations - 603rd Squadron - 1944/1945 Lt. Kutchback, 603rd Squadron Bombardier, Major Jean B. Miller, 603rd Squadron CO, Major Kearie L. Berry, Jr., former 603rd Operations Officer, and Capt. Bishop, 603rd Operations Officer


  1. Bestervelt's Crew with Major Bruce Daily as Command - 600th Squadron - 4 August 1944 Includes Major Bruce Daily, Command Pilot, Capt. A.M. Adams, Formation Observer, Lt. W.J. Beatovich, Navigator (became 603rd Squadron Navigator on 24 September 1944 and was also promoted to Capt. W.J. Beatovich though date is unknown), and Capt. Jim Bestervelt, Pilot.


  1. Arlin's Crew with Captain Tracy Petersen as Command - 601st Squadron - 11 August 1944 Includes Captain Alan A. Arlin, Pilot and Captain Tracy J. Petersen, Command Pilot
  2. Lt. Dean and Captain White - 601st Squadron Ground Crew - 1944/45 Includes Captain Alton C. White, 601st Squadron Aircraft Engineer
  3. Lamb's Crew with Major Tracy Petersen as Command - 601st Squadron - 14 October 1944 Includes Captain Hal W. Lamb, Pilot, Major Tracy J. Petersen, Command Pilot and Captain Paul Picket, Squadron Navigator


  1. Rudrud Crew with Captain Jean Miller as Command - 602nd Squadron - 16 July 1944 Includes Captain Jean Miller, Command Pilot
  2. Shafer's Crew with Lt. Col. Peter J. Rooney as Command - 602nd Squadron - 16 April 1945 (new 08/2024)


  1. Beckstrom's Crew with Major K.L. Berry as Command - 603rd Squadron - 21 February 1945 Includes photos of both Major Jean Miller, Major K.L. Berry, Jr. and Captain Beckstrom.
  2. Bestervelt's Crew with Major Bruce Daily as Command - 600th Squadron - 4 August 1944 Includes Major Bruce Daily, Command Pilot, Capt. A.M. Adams, Formation Observer, Lt. W.J. Beatovich, Navigator (became 603rd Squadron Navigator on 24 September 1944 and was also promoted to Capt. W.J. Beatovich though date is unknown), and Capt. Jim Bestervelt, Pilot.
  3. Cullinan's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 19 July 1944 Includes Captain Robert L. Hopkins, Squadron Operations
  4. Hopkins' Crew - 603rd Squadron - 28 May 1944 Includes Captain Myer C. Wagner, Squadron Operations; Major Robert K. Simeral, 398th Group Operations, and Captain Carlton C. Moore, Squadron Bombardier
  5. 603rd Jordan, Moore, and Hall by B-17 - May 1944 Includes Lt. Ed Jordan, Captain Carlton C. Moore, Squadron Bombardier and probably Lt. David M. Hall, Squadron Intelligence Officer.
  6. Lt. Charles L. Khouri - Summer 1944 603rd Command Pilot
  7. Khouri's Crew - 603rd Squadron - circa September 1944 Includes Lt. Charles E. Khouri Flight Commander, Lt. Jack E. Kutchback, later 603rd Lead Bombardier, and Lt. Frederico Gonzales 603rd Flight Commander.
  8. Latson's Crew with Colonel F.P. Hunter as Command - 603rd Squadron - 13 August 1944 Includes Colonel Frank P. Hunter, Commander, Captain. H.H. Latson Jr., Pilot / Co-pilot, Captain Harold L. Brown, Navigator, Captain Carl J. Strickrott, Bombardier.
  9. DFC Ceremony at Nuthampstead - 29 January 1945 Major Jean B. Miller, 603rd Squadron Commander pinning Distinguished Flying Cross on S. Sgt. Ray Vicha; 3 other unidentified men also shown.
  10. Captain Carlton Moore by Propeller - 603rd Squadron - early May 1944 Captain Carlton C. Moore was the 603rd Squadron Bombardier.
  11. Stoll's Crew with Colonel Hunter as Command - 603rd Squadron - 20 July 1944 Includes Colonel Frank P. Hunter, Commander, Captain Harold L. Brown, Navigator, Captain Carl J. Strickrott, Bombardier.
  12. Capt. Wralstad and M/Sgt. Stegall - 603rd Squadron - April or May 1945 Includes Capt. George Wralstad, 603rd Executive Officer.
  13. Operations - 603rd Squadron - 1944/1945 Lt. Kutchback, 603rd Squadron Bombardier, Major Jean B. Miller, 603rd Squadron CO, Major Kearie L. Berry, Jr., former 603rd Operations Officer, and Capt. Bishop, 603rd Operations Officer


  1. Ranks shown in the text are as of the date of the photograph.
  2. In general, the photo was taken just after a mission and by the aircraft they flew that day. However, sometimes the photo was taken by an aircraft they didn't fly or on an off-day.
  3. Mission data is for the date of the photo or the first mission before the photo date.
  4. The Identification of 398th Crews was undertaken by the UK Friends of the 398th beginning about 1994. Special thanks are in order to Geoff Rice, former 398th Photo Historian for leading, organizing, and for the continuation of this major and important effort.