Back Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. Sgt. Joseph J. "Red" Hughes, Tail Gunner
  2. Sgt. Charles Q. "Chuck" King, Waist Gunner
  3. Sgt. Walter H. "Walt" Hinich, Engineer / TT
  4. Sgt. Albert J. "Al" Pysson, Ball Turret
  5. Sgt. Edward F. "Ed" Madden, Radio Op.

Front Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. 2nd Lt. Russell C. "Russ" Conrow, Pilot
  2. 2nd Lt. John J. "Mac" McCann, Co-Pilot
  3. 2nd Lt. Herbert G. "Herb" Faber, Bombardier
  4. 2nd Lt. James "Jim" Stephans, Navigator

Missing from Photo:

  1. Sgt. Robert A. "Bob" Downing, Waist Gunner


  1. The Conrow crew was shot down by flak on their 10th mission coming off target over Magdeburg, Germany on September 28, 1944. The crew bailed out at 26,000 feet after their B-17, serial number 42-102607 3O-F "The Lodian", caught fire. All became POW's including Gunnery Officer Capt. William Hendrickson, who was onboard to evaluate a waist gunner's web sling that was to get the gunner's feet off the floor, which could become covered with spent cartridges.


  1. 398th Mission No. 80, Stuttgart, Germany - Aircraft parts plant, Heinkle Aircraft Engine Factory
  2. On this mission the Conrow Crew flew in the High Group
  3. Aircraft flown: 42-102543 K8-B (a 602nd SQ ship)
  4. Aircraft in photo: probably 42-102543 K8-B
  5. Photo Date: 10 September 1944
  6. Photo Location: Nuthampstead
  7. Photo Reference: ConrowCrew
  8. Information compiled by the 398th BGMA web team with thanks to Russell C. Conrow
  9. If you would like to add information about this photograph, or can provide a better scan, please contact our Crew Photos Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.