Back Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. 2nd Lt. William J. Evans, Pilot
  2. 2nd Lt. Irvin H. Mike" Derrick, Navigator
  3. F/O Gerald T. Wolford, Bombardier
  4. Cpl. Hermus C. Baker, BT Gunner

Front Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. Cpl. Olin P. Burdett, Engineer / Top Turret
  2. Cpl. George M. Corry, Tail Gunner
  3. Cpl. Robert J. Foster, Radio Op.
  4. Cpl. Claude H. McNeil, Waist Gunner

Regular crew members missing from photo:

  1. 2nd Lt. Walter Bittner, Co-Pilot

Flew with this crew this day, but not in photo:

  1. 2nd Lt. Roy Test, Co-Pilot


  1. 398th Mission No. 57, Merseburg, Germany - the Leuna Oil Refineries, 29 July 1944
  2. This was the Evans crew's first mission. As was custom for crews flying their first mission, the new co-pilot flew with an experienced crew and an experienced co-pilot flew with the new crew. In this instance Lt. Evan's co-pilot, Lt. Walter Bittner, flew with the J.P. Ryan Crew, and co-pilot Lt. Roy Test flew with the Evans Crew.
  3. Aircraft flown: 42-102543 K8-B
  4. Aircraft in photo: probably 42-102543 K8-B
  5. Photo Date: 29 July 1944
  6. Photo Location: Nuthampstead
  7. Ranks are as of the photo date
  8. Photo Reference No. EvansCrew01
  9. Information compiled by the 398th BGMA Web Team with thanks to Robert Foster for providing this photo and crew member identifications.
  10. If you would like to add information about this photograph, or can provide a better scan, please contact our Crew Photos Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.