Back Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. 1st Lt. Erle L. Ford, Pilot
  2. 2nd Lt. Delbert J. Skjod, Co-Pilot
  3. 2nd Lt. Harry E. Gerloff, Bombardier
  4. 2nd Lt. Marcus J. Woods, Navigator

Front Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. S/Sgt. Robert L. Goren, Left Waist Gunner
  2. T/Sgt. William J. McMillan, Radio Operator
  3. S/Sgt. Charles N. Derderian, Ball Turret
  4. S/Sgt. Clarence E. Maloney, Tail Gunner
  5. T/Sgt. Donald E. Borts, Engineer / TT

See also:

  1. Erle L. Ford, 398th Pilot - 600th Squadron Video Interview (56m 21s)
  2. Robert L. Goren, 398th Waist Gunner and Togglier - 600th Squadron Video Interview (59m 45s)



  1. 398th Mission No. 53, Dessau, Germany - Jet propulsion engine factory
  2. On this mission the Ford Crew few in the High Group
  3. Aircraft flown: 42-102467 N8-J "Agony Wagon III"
  4. Aircraft in photo: 42-102467 N8-J "Agony Wagon III"
  5. Photo Date: 20 July 1944
  6. Photo Location: Nuthampstead
  7. Ranks are as of date of the date photo was taken
  8. Photo Reference No. FORD02
  9. Information compiled by the 398th BGMA Web Team with thanks to Mark Woods.
  10. If you would like to add information about this photograph, or can provide a better scan, please contact our Crew Photos Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.