Back Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. Sgt. Francis Durbin, Ball Turret Gunner
  2. Sgt. Llewelyn L. Fischer, Engineer / Top Turret
  3. Sgt. Christy A. Christos, Waist Gunner
  4. Sgt. Thurman L. Gentry, Tail Gunner
  5. Sgt. Loren L. Longmore, Radio Op.

Front Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. 2nd Lt. Ernest Clifton, Bombardier
  2. 2nd Lt. Joseph Kaminski, Pilot
  3. 2nd Lt. Robert Farley, Co-Pilot
  4. 2nd Lt. Henry J. Stebick, Navigator


  1. Photo Date: December 1944
  2. Photo Location: Rapid City, South Dakota
  3. The Buzza Crew arrived in Nuthampstead in March 1945 but did not fly any combat missions. Per Loren Longmore; "After a couple of training flights over England, as well as survival techniques at Cambridge, we were assigned to go on our first bombing mission April 26th. The mission was scrubbed at the last moment because the Allies had overcome the target. The next day the same thing and then the directive came from Washington DC that there will be no more strategic bombing in Europe." However, we did go on two "rubberneck missions" after VE Day.
  4. Photo Reference No. Kaminski01
  5. Information compiled by the 398th BGMA web team with thanks to Loren Longmore, radio operator for the crew.
  6. If you would like to add information about this photograph, or can provide a better scan, please contact our Crew Photos Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.