The Gulfport Army Air Field Public Relations Office released the following excerpt along with the crew photo above
on November 23, 1944:
"ACE AIRMEN - Crew 310, chosen "Crew of the Week" for flying proficiency, stand beside
a Flying Fort at Gulfport Army Air Field, Miss., where thousands of B-17 crewmen have prepared for combat."
It continues as follows (this portion was probably sent to each crewman's local newspaper with their name and
address inserted. This was Donald Evans' newspaper clipping.):
"Gulfport Army Air Field, Miss., - Pfc. Donald G. Evans, son of Mr. And Mrs. D.G. Evans, 715 Lake Ave., Racine,
now a gunner in training on a Flying Fortress based at Gulfport Army Air Field, Miss., was honored this week
when his flying team was chosen "Crew of the Week" by the commanding officer of this B-17 bomber training
station where thousands of airmen have received final preparation for combat duty.
Chosen from all competing units by instructors who are veterans of over-seas combat, crew No.310 was selected
for attaining the top efficiency rating in all phases of flying under simulated battle conditions.
In recognition of this achievement, members of the prize crew were assigned to a 1000-mile combat training
mission on which they were allowed to pick their destination. The crew chose Chicago, Ill., where they were
permitted to remain overnight.."
Commenting on this article, Donald's son Don wrote: "I'm sure when Dad arrived for his overnight in Chicago he contacted his girlfriend Doris Betty Erickson, a WAVE stationed at both Great Lakes Naval Training Center and Northwestern University. They were married in June, '45, with crewmate Paul Krup as Best Man."