Back Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. Sgt. Richard G. "Rocker" Mills, Tail Gunner
  2. 2nd Lt. Philip H. Brusseau, Co-Pilot
  3. 2nd Lt. John D. Sauer, Bombardier
  4. Sgt. Edward S. Granowitz, Engineer / Top Turret
  5. 2nd Lt. Gino Franceschini, Navigator
  6. 2nd Lt. Vincent F. Moore, Pilot

Front Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. Sgt. Harvey D. Neiswander, Ball Turret
  2. Sgt. Floyd A. Lynch, Waist Gunner
  3. Sgt. Frank D. Anderson, Radio Operator
  4. Sgt. Irving Zuckerman, Tail Gunner


  1. Photo Date: August 15, 1944
  2. On that date the Moore Crew flew the mission to Ostheim, Germany.
  3. Regular tail gunner Richard Mills did not fly this mission, but he joined the crew for this photo.
  4. Aircraft flown on this date: 43-37825 N7-J
  5. Aircarft in photo: Probably 43-37825 N7-J
  6. Photo Location: Nuthampstead
  7. Ranks are as of the date of the photo.
  8. Photo Reference: Moore_VF-Photo2
  9. Information compiled by the 398th BGMA Web Team with thanks to Vincent Moore, Jr., son of Vincent F. Moore, - and also to Rich Hagerty, son-in-law of Edward S. Granowitz - for providing the two VF Moore Crew photographs and crew member identifications.
  10. If you would like to add information about this photograph, or can provide a better scan, please contact our Crew Photos Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.
  11. Help is needed in confirming the names of the crew to the men pictured in the photograph. If you can help, please click the e-mail link above.