Back Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. 1st Lt. Robert E. Ullom, Pilot
  2. 1st Lt. Joseph E. Aceto, Navigator
  3. 1st Lt. Charles A. Waldbauer, Bombardier
  4. 1st Lt. Donald E. Rush, Co-Pilot

Front Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. S/Sgt. Joseph E. "Pappy" Bourke, Waist Gunner
  2. T/Sgt. Blair E. Holmes, Radio
  3. S/Sgt. John W. Harbit, Waist Gunner
  4. T/Sgt. Donald A. Vredenburg, Engineer / Gunner
  5. S/Sgt. Angelo Martorello, Ball Turret


  1. No mission was flown by the 398th BG on 15 September 1944. This photo was probably taken after a training flight.
  2. This crew flew the 13 September 1944 mission to Lutzkendorf, Gr. in B-17 43-37977 N7-R "Miss X"
  3. Aircraft in photo: 43-37977 N7-R "Miss X"
  4. Photo Date: 15 September 1944
  5. Photo Location: Nuthampstead, England
  6. Photo Reference No. A9195
  7. Information compiled by UK Friends of the 398th with thanks to Bob Ullom & Don Vredenburg.
  8. If you would like to add information about this photograph, please contact our Crew Photos Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.