Front Row (viewer's left to right):

  1. Capt. George Wralstad, 603rd Executive Officer
  2. M/Sgt. D.D. Stegall, Line Chief



  1. Photo Date: April or May 1945
  2. Photo Location: Nuthampstead
  3. Photo Reference No. AOGC01
  4. Information compiled by UK Friends of the 398th with thanks to Allen Ostrom. Special thanks to Jim Cross who noticed the captain bars on Wralstad's shirt collar. Capt. Wralstad was promoted from 1st. Lt. to Captain during the month of April 1945. Jim Cross's observation made it possible to approximate the date of this photo.
  5. If you would like to add information about this photograph, please contact our Crew Photos Coordinator. Please mention the title and photograph date.