Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos of 398th BG Personnel
This page contains names beginning with 'B'
(Ranks and Grades may not match the photographs.)
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1st Lt. James C. Bacon Co-Pilot, 600th SQ. Mann Crew |
1st Lt. Charles Phelps Bagley Co-Pilot, 600th SQ. KIA Nov. 30, 1944 Weum Crew |
1st Lt. Walter M. Bagot Co-Pilot, 600th SQ. POW Nov. 26, 1944 Pope Crew |
S/Sgt. John C. Bait, Jr. Togglier, 602nd SQ. KIA Apr. 11, 1945 Shirk and Miller Crews |
Capt. John M. Baker Pilot, 600th SQ Baker Crew. KIA Aug. 8, 1944 |
2nd Lt. William Harold Baker Navigator, 600th SQ. KIA Nov. 25, 1944 Hansard Crew |
T/Sgt. Edward M. Baldiga Engineer / TT Gunner, 603rd SQ N. Williams Crew |
T/Sgt. George E. Barton Radio Operator, 603rd SQ. KIA Oct. 15, 1944 Meyran Crew |
S/Sgt. Christian J. Bauhoff Radio Operator, 601st SQ Marias Crew |
2nd Lt. John J. Baumeister Photo 1. Co-Pilot, 601st SQ Cucco Crew |
2nd Lt. John J. Baumeister Photo 2. Co-Pilot, 601st SQ Cucco Crew |
1st Lt. Hubert Franklin Beatty Pilot, 600th SQ. KIA Feb. 22, 1945 Beatty Crew |
1st Lt. Robert J. Beckley Navigator, 601st SQ Rogers and Blackwell Crews |
1st Lt. Arwood Begor Navigator, 603rd SQ Coleman and Williams Crews |
Sgt. John Edward Bell Tail Gunner, 601st SQ Blackwell Crew |
S/Sgt. Donald L. Bendixen Waist Gunner, 603rd SQ Guice Crew |
S/Sgt. Joe Bergant Waist Gunner, 602nd SQ. KIA Dec 30, '44 Doerr Crew |
Lt. Col. Earl J. Berryhill Group Executive Officer HQ |
T/Sgt. Cleo M. Bickford Radio Operator, 600th SQ Hicks Crew |
1st Lt. Bruce L. Binger Pilot, 601st SQ Binger Crew |
1st Lt. Oral B. Birch Navigator, 603rd SQ. POW Nov. 21, 1944 Hastings/Buzza Crew |
1st Lt. Wallace H. Blackwell Pilot, 601st SQ Blackwell Crew |
1st Lt. Alfred Herb Boehme Pilot, 602nd SQ Boehme Crew |
TSgt. Frederick C. Bradley Jr Engineer / Top Turret, 601st SQ Traeder Crew |
S/Sgt. Alfred L. Breault Togglier and Tail Gunner, 602nd SQ Rudrud, Erler & Hancock Crews |
T/Sgt. Earl M. Brindley Photo 1. - Radio Op., 601st SQ Green Crew |
T/Sgt. Earl M. Brindley Photo 2. - Radio Op., 601st SQ Green Crew |
S/Sgt. James W. Brockman Photo 1. BT Gunner, 600th SQ Sponholtz Crew |
S/Sgt. James W. Brockman Photo 2. BT Gunner, 600th SQ Sponholtz Crew |
F/O James R. Brown Navigator, 602nd SQ Saferite Crew |
2Lt. Sidney Malcolm Brown SQ Operations Officer 602nd SQ |
S/Sgt. William J. Bruno Tail Gunner, 603rd SQ Krueger Crew |
2nd Lt. Clifford Z. Bryan Bombardier, 603rd SQ. KIA July 13, 1944 Foster Crew |
2nd Lt. William M. Bryan Co-Pilot, 603rd SQ. KIA Nov. 21, 1944 Sheely & Howell Crews |
2nd Lt. Lewis E. Burke Co-Pilot, 603rd SQ Alwood, Brandstatter & Williams Crews |
Sgt. Thomas E. Burris, Jr. Instrument Specialist 600th SQ |
T/Sgt. Merrill C. Butikofer Engineer / Top Turret, 602nd SQ POW June 25, 1944. Godwin Crew |
S/Sgt. Felix E. Byrne Gunner, 600th SQ. KIA Nov. 30, 1944 Slavin & Weum Crews | ||