< Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos



Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos of 398th BG Personnel

A gallery of 8th AAF portrait photos taken between 1942 and 1945.

This page contains names beginning with 'B'

Portraits are in alpha order by last name
(Ranks and Grades may not match the photographs.)

We are seeking good, individual, WWII photographs of all 398th Bomb Group Personnel.
Please email photographs to grouphistorian@398th.org.

Click a letter below to jump to the page of last names beginning with that letter.

N O P _ R S T _ _ W _ Y Z

1st Lt. James C. Bacon
Co-Pilot, 600th SQ.
Mann Crew

1st Lt. Charles Phelps Bagley
Co-Pilot, 600th SQ. KIA Nov. 30, 1944
Weum Crew

1st Lt. Walter M. Bagot
Co-Pilot, 600th SQ. POW Nov. 26, 1944
Pope Crew

S/Sgt. John C. Bait, Jr.
Togglier, 602nd SQ. KIA Apr. 11, 1945
Shirk and Miller Crews

Capt. John M. Baker
Pilot, 600th SQ
Baker Crew. KIA Aug. 8, 1944

2nd Lt. William Harold Baker
Navigator, 600th SQ. KIA Nov. 25, 1944
Hansard Crew

T/Sgt. Edward M. Baldiga
Engineer / TT Gunner, 603rd SQ
N. Williams Crew

T/Sgt. George E. Barton
Radio Operator, 603rd SQ. KIA Oct. 15, 1944
Meyran Crew

S/Sgt. Christian J. Bauhoff
Radio Operator, 601st SQ
Marias Crew

2nd Lt. John J. Baumeister
Photo 1. Co-Pilot, 601st SQ
Cucco Crew

2nd Lt. John J. Baumeister
Photo 2. Co-Pilot, 601st SQ
Cucco Crew

1st Lt. Hubert Franklin Beatty
Pilot, 600th SQ. KIA Feb. 22, 1945
Beatty Crew

1st Lt. Robert J. Beckley
Navigator, 601st SQ
Rogers and Blackwell Crews

1st Lt. Arwood Begor
Navigator, 603rd SQ
Coleman and Williams Crews

Sgt. John Edward Bell
Tail Gunner, 601st SQ
Blackwell Crew

S/Sgt. Donald L. Bendixen
Waist Gunner, 603rd SQ
Guice Crew

S/Sgt. Joe Bergant
Waist Gunner, 602nd SQ. KIA Dec 30, '44
Doerr Crew

Lt. Col. Earl J. Berryhill
Group Executive Officer

T/Sgt. Cleo M. Bickford
Radio Operator, 600th SQ
Hicks Crew

1st Lt. Bruce L. Binger
Pilot, 601st SQ
Binger Crew

1st Lt. Oral B. Birch
Navigator, 603rd SQ. POW Nov. 21, 1944
Hastings/Buzza Crew

1st Lt. Wallace H. Blackwell
Pilot, 601st SQ
Blackwell Crew

1st Lt. Alfred Herb Boehme
Pilot, 602nd SQ
Boehme Crew

TSgt. Frederick C. Bradley Jr
Engineer / Top Turret, 601st SQ
Traeder Crew

S/Sgt. Alfred L. Breault
Togglier and Tail Gunner, 602nd SQ
Rudrud, Erler & Hancock Crews

T/Sgt. Earl M. Brindley
Photo 1. - Radio Op., 601st SQ
Green Crew

T/Sgt. Earl M. Brindley
Photo 2. - Radio Op., 601st SQ
Green Crew

S/Sgt. James W. Brockman
Photo 1. BT Gunner, 600th SQ
Sponholtz Crew

S/Sgt. James W. Brockman
Photo 2. BT Gunner, 600th SQ
Sponholtz Crew

1Lt. Dale E. Brown
Bombardier, 603rd SQ. POW Oct. 28, 1944
T.A. Scott / Sheely Crew

F/O James R. Brown
Navigator, 602nd SQ
Saferite Crew

2Lt. Sidney Malcolm Brown
SQ Operations Officer
602nd SQ

S/Sgt. William J. Bruno
Tail Gunner, 603rd SQ
Krueger Crew

2nd Lt. Clifford Z. Bryan
Bombardier, 603rd SQ. KIA July 13, 1944
Foster Crew

2nd Lt. William M. Bryan
Co-Pilot, 603rd SQ. KIA Nov. 21, 1944
Sheely & Howell Crews

2nd Lt. Lewis E. Burke
Co-Pilot, 603rd SQ
Alwood, Brandstatter & Williams Crews

Sgt. Thomas E. Burris, Jr.
Instrument Specialist
600th SQ

T/Sgt. Merrill C. Butikofer
Engineer / Top Turret, 602nd SQ
POW June 25, 1944. Godwin Crew

S/Sgt. Felix E. Byrne
Gunner, 600th SQ. KIA Nov. 30, 1944
Slavin & Weum Crews