< Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos



Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos of 398th BG Personnel

A gallery of 8th AAF portrait photos taken between 1942 and 1945.

This page contains names beginning with 'H'

Portraits are in alpha order by last name
(Ranks and Grades may not match the photographs.)

We are seeking good, individual, WWII photographs of all 398th Bomb Group Personnel.
Please email photographs to grouphistorian@398th.org.

Click a letter below to jump to the page of last names beginning with that letter.

N O P _ R S T _ _ W _ Y Z

Sgt. Silas Miles Hagan, Jr.
Tail Gunner, 600th SQ
Idso's Crew

S/Sgt. Marion B. Hamilton
Radio Op, 600th SQ. KIA April 8, 1945
Wells Crew

M/Sgt. Harold D. Hammett
Crew Chief, 600th SQ
Ground Crew

1st Lt. V. A. Hansard, Jr.
Pilot, 600th SQ. KIA Nov. 25, 1944
Hansard Crew

S/Sgt. Fred M. Harrington
Crew Chief, 600th SQ
Ground Crew

2nd Lt. Franklin D. Harrod
Navigator, 600th SQ. KIA Dec. 24, '44
Riley & Grinter Crews

Pvt. Edwin H. "Bud" Haslip
Special Vehicle Operator, 601st SQ
Ground Crew

1st Lt. Kenneth S. Hastings
Pilot, 603rd SQ. KIA Nov. 21, 1944
Hastings Crew

2nd Lt. Orie J. Hedges
Co-Pilot, 601st SQ. POW Apr. 13, 1945
Palant Crew

T/Sgt. Arhur E. Hewitt
Engineer / Top Turret, 602nd SQ
Cobb Crew

2nd Lt. J. Dean Hill
Pilot, 600th SQ
J. Dean HIll Crew

2nd Lt. Keith B. Hill
Bombardier, 601st SQ
Curtis & Andrews Crews

S/Sgt. Dwight Hinkle
Tail Gunner, 603rd SQ
Foster Crew

S/Sgt. James F. Hochadel
Ball Turret, 603rd SQ. KIA Aug. 8, '44
Hopkins Crew

Capt. Carl H. Hogrefe
Engineering Officer
603rd & 600th SQ's

S/Sgt. James L. Holloway
Tail Gunner, 601st SQ
Womeldurf Crew

SSgt. Wilmuth O. Holmberg
Togglier & Tail Gunner, 600th SQ
Rice Crew

Sgt. Robert L. Howard
BT Gunner, 603rd SQ
Donovan Crew

1st Lt. Charles E. Howell, Jr.
Pilot, 603rd SQ. KIA Nov. 21, 1944
Howell Crew

S/Sgt. James A. Humbert
Togglier & Tail Gunner, 603rd SQ
Durtschi, J.E. Smith & Brandstatter Crews

1st Lt. James H. Hunt
Navigator, 602nd SQ
Lamiell, Markham, Hall Crews

S/Sgt. Charles F. Hunter
Mechanic, 603rd SQ
Ground Crew

Col. Frank P. Hunter, Jr.
Group CO. KIA Jan. 23, 1945
HQ. Gonzales / Hunter Crew

1st Lt. James Logan Hurst, II
Navigator, 602nd SQ
Allen Crew

Sgt. Melvin H. Huseby
Airplane & Engine Mechanic, 600th SQ
Ground Crew