< Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos



Formal 8th AAF Portrait Photos of 398th BG Personnel

A gallery of 8th AAF portrait photos taken between 1942 and 1945.

This page contains names beginning with 'S'

Portraits are in alpha order by last name
(Ranks and Grades may not match the photographs.)

We are seeking good, individual, WWII photographs of all 398th Bomb Group Personnel.
Please email photographs to grouphistorian@398th.org.

Click a letter below to jump to the page of last names beginning with that letter.

N O P _ R S T _ _ W _ Y Z

S/Sgt. Carmine R. Salsano
Waist Gunner, 603rd SQ
Hyndman Crew

1st Sgt. Hiram N. Sawyer
SQ Adjutant - Orderly Room, 603rd SQ
Reported to Lt. George E. Rusinak

1st Sgt. Hiram N. Sawyer
SQ Adjutant - Orderly Room, 603rd SQ
Reported to Lt. George E. Rusinak

2nd Lt. William M. Scales, Jr.
Bombardier, 601st SQ. KIA Dec. 24, 1944
A.R. Taylor Crew

M/Sgt. Peter J. Scandariato
Crew Chief, 601st SQ
ground crew

Cpl. Art Schaal
Loaded & repaired armament, 603rd SQ
ground crew

S/Sgt. Arthur P. Schmidt
Waist Gnr, 601st SQ. KIA Nov. 26, 1944
Rolfe Crew

M/Sgt. Richard H. Schmidt
Crew Chief, 601st SQ
Engineering Section - Ground Crew

2nd Lt. Arnold A. Schneider
Co-Pilot, 603rd SQ
Williams & Lollar Crews

2Lt. David B. 'Scotty' Scott
Navigator, 600th SQ
Sheffer Crew

Capt. Talma A. Scott, Jr.
CA Pilot, 603rd SQ. POW Oct. 28, 1944
Scott / Sheely Crew

Capt. Claude H. Selby
Command Pilot, 603rd SQ
Group Operations

Cpl. Harry D. Shafer
BT Gunner, 602nd SQ
Killed in accident on base May 8, 1944

1st Lt. John T. Shafer
Pilot, 602nd SQ
Shafer Crew

S/Sgt. Donald J. Shaw
Waist Gunner, 602nd SQ
Petska Crew

2nd Lt. Roy M. Sheely, Jr.
Pilot, 603rd SQ
Sheely Crew. POW Oct. 28, 1944

1st Lt. Gerald V. Sheffer
Pilot, 600th SQ
Sheffer Crew

1st Lt. Albert J. Shimek
Pilot, 600th SQ
Shimek Crew

2nd Lt. Henry A. Skubik
#1. Co-Pilot, 601st SQ. POW Jan. 20, 1945
Marias & Mitchell Crews

2nd Lt. Henry A. Skubik
#2. Co-Pilot, 601st SQ. POW Jan. 20, 1945
Marias & Mitchell Crews

2nd Lt. Henry A. Skubik
#3. Co-Pilot, 601st SQ. POW Jan. 20, 1945
Marias & Mitchell Crews

S/Sgt. Kenneth R. Smith
Ball Turret Gunner, 603rd SQ
Powell Crew

2nd Lt. Paul Wilber Smith
Navigator, 602nd SQ
N. Thompson & Pryor Crews

2nd Lt. Leonard W. Snyder
Bombardier, 603rd SQ. KIA Mar. 14, 1945
Ellis Crew

S/Sgt. Edmund D. Soule
Ball Turret Gunner, 600th SQ
Reed Crew

Lt. Peter M. Special
Bombardier, 603rd SQ
W.L. Johnson Crew

1Lt. Philip H. Stahlman, Jr.
Co-Pilot, 601st SQ
Dalton & DeLancey Crews

S/Sgt. Sidor P. Stizzo
Waist Gnr 603rd SQ. KIA May 24, 1944
Gray/Brodin Crew

T/Sgt. Louis J. Stoffer
Engineer / Top Turret, 600th SQ
Grinter, Weum & Riley Crews

Capt. Victor E. Stoll
Pilot, 603rd SQ
Stoll Crew

2nd Lt. Maynard Stravinski
Co-Pilot & Pilot, 603rd SQ. KIA Jan. 2, '45
DeCleene Crew

2nd Lt. Leonard Streitfeld
Bombardier, 600th SQ
Shimek & Beck Crews

2nd Lt. David E. Swift
Co-Pilot, 603rd SQ
Blythe Crew