The Tarr Crew in B-17 Training - 1944
Below is a photo Bob Welty made available of his fellow crewmates in the Joe Tarr 398th, 603rd Crew during Bob's training in the USA during 1944.
The photos is unusual for the time as it is in color and thus represents a better feel for the various colors of the uniforms, men, and aircraft during 1944. Many thanks to Bob Welty for making these unique photos available. If you would like to add information about this photograph, please contact our Aircraft Photo Coordinator. Please include the title.
List of Bob Welty Color Photos
- The Tarr Crew in B-17 Training - 1944
- Lt. Bob Welty's Mission Photos for 14, 15 and 19 February 1945
- Lt. Bob Welty and Friends in Nuthampstead - late 1944/Early 1945
- Lt. Bob Welty inside B-17 - 1945
See also
The Tarr Crew for 14 February 1945 was:
- Lt. Joe Tarr, Pilot
- Lt. Bob Welty, Co-Pilot and photographer
- Lt. Wally Small, Navigator
- T/Sgt. Russ Currier, Engineer
- T/Sgt. Arthur Jones, Radio
- S/Sgt. Harold Clyne, Ball Turret
- S/Sgt. Al Dougherty, Waist Gunner and Togglier
- S/Sgt. Maury Newcomer, Waist Gunner
- S/Sgt. Bill Fleming, Tail Gunner

Training Photo No. 1: The Tarr crew being delivered by truck for another day of flying in their beautiful B-17 over the blue skies of Florida.
Hal Weekley related that the UAAF Base at Avon Park is still being used as a gunnery/bombing range. Welty Photo No. 1006 |